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Cellphones Privacy

Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones At Abortion Clinics ( 79

Slashdot reader samleecole writes: Privacy advocates gained access to a powerful tool bought by U.S. law enforcement agencies that can track smartphone locations around the world. Abortion clinics, places of worship, and individual people can all be monitored without a warrant.

An investigation into tracking tool Locate X shows in the starkest terms yet how it and others — based on smartphone location data sold to various U.S. government law enforcement agencies, including state entities — could be used to monitor abortion clinic patients. This comes as more states contemplate stricter or outright bans on abortion...

Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones At Abortion Clinics

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  • by Local ID10T ( 790134 ) <> on Saturday October 26, 2024 @02:41PM (#64895995) Homepage

    If you are worried about being tracked, DO NOT BRING YOUR CELLPHONE.

    We cannot stop them from tracking us as we go about our daily lives, but we can choose to not carry our tracking devices when we want to avoid being tracked.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      That's why I always take my landline when on abortion excursions. I can never be tracked that way. Fools!

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday October 26, 2024 @02:52PM (#64896009)
      or the facial recognition. Or the heavily militarized police?

      This is one tier to a multi-prong strategy. You can't solve this with individual actions. It requires... collective action (duh duh duuuuuuun!).

      You're up against large, well funded systems. Systemic problems cannot be solved with individual action. We're not teenagers anymore, we're adults. It's time to act like it.
      • Remove your license plate before you go to the clinic. That doesn't mean the moment you leave your house. When you get close, then you remove it. Lessens the chance of a copy stopping you. When you leave, drive a short distance then put it back on.

        Wear some prosthetics over your face to throw off facial readers. Wear a mask and sunglasses if you have to.

        • Then they will use specially trained dogs to sniff your pregnancy and arrest you. Then after you're forced to carry to term you can finish out your prison sentence. Assuming you're a woman that is and let's face it this is slashdot so you're not.

          Same thing with the prosthetics. Anything you put on your face that makes it hard for the cameras to read it will instantly get you flagged and a visit from the cops.

          Most cities spend at least half their budget on police. They hide this by funneling the mone
      • You're up against large, well funded systems. Systemic problems cannot be solved with individual action. We're not teenagers anymore, we're adults. It's time to act like it.

        I would agree. You’re certainly up against a well-funded heavily supported organization when you try and limit or control abortion in ANY way.

        As far as acting like adults, 90-95% of the abortion problem wouldn’t exist if people did that. Rather ironic you asking for that.

      • or the facial recognition.

        I think the idea is that cell phone tracking can be used to determine if a woman goes to an out-of-state abortion clinic, whereas those other things you've mentioned would require the neighboring pro-choice state to be a tattle-tale. Presumably, a state where abortion is banned isn't going to have any legitimate clinics, so the facial recognition, license plate scanners and jackbooted thugs with a badge won't provide any information beyond that a woman traveled outside of the state.

        Of course, unless you're

        • Remember all you have to do is establish probable cause and you can haul the woman in. So the license plate reader and the facial scan and all of that can detect when you've taken a route that looks like you might be going to get an abortion.

          It doesn't even have to be accurate it just has to establish probable cause. Once that's done you can do a formal criminal investigation. From there you can get somebody's purchase history and you can use that to determine whether or not they were pregnant and wheth
    • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Saturday October 26, 2024 @02:58PM (#64896019)

      Leave your phone at home and take a cab/rideshare if you have an EV, at least for the last leg of the trip.

      Any car where you get OTA updates or have an emergency assist function built in could be (and almost certainly is) tracking you too. At the very least, they're logging the IP you connected from whenever it manages a connection, which can be run though a GIS database to figure out where you were at the time.

      Because yes, in a place where the government has or is trying to criminalize abortion, if they're not already actively hunting you that's only because they haven't figured out the tools just yet... and start being paranoid NOW, because many of those tools are potentially useful retroactively. You don't know what your car manufacturer (or mobile phone provider, or the owner of the mobile network you connected through) are logging, how long they keep those logs, and how friendly they are to government 'requests'.

      And vote Democrat straight-ticket in the upcoming election. You know which party is far, far more likely to get off on tracking you down and punishing you.

      • by e3m4n ( 947977 )

        wouldn't ride share apps require taking a tracking device with you?

      • Leave your phone at home and take a cab/rideshare if you have an EV, at least for the last leg of the trip.

        What's the EV got to do with things? Are you under the impression that modern connected cars are technologies limited to just EVs?

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      That is a bit extreme. Just switching it off before it becomes obvious where you are going and removing the battery is quite enough. (You have a removable battery, right?)

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Opsec should really be the last thing that someone seeking an abortion should have to worry about.

      • True. But abortion is a red herring in this instance. Abortion is just one example where details about your location/activities/associations may be used against you by zealots.

    • No mod points, but absolutely correct.

      So far there is no law requiring your cell phone to be with you at all times. I don't know how much longer that will last.

    • by jvkjvk ( 102057 )

      "So, your cell phone was unnaturally still. This gave us probable cause to run your plates and facial id through the camera system. Now we want to know why you were at ."

    • Here is an EFF article on Automatic License Plate Readers: []
  • Government tracking is unjust in most cases. It wouldn't be any better if the headline was "at the grocery store" Don't use manipulative wording in the headline or summary.
  • Abortion clinics, places of worship, and individual people..

    For those writing articles, can you explain why abortion places and places of worship, somehow do not contain “individual people”?

    To clarify, I meant without admitting blatant click-whoring.

  • no phone, 2nd phone, faraday cage. If we are at the point where individual monitoring is the standard, then freedom no longer exists. Unplug and pay cash.
    • by Chas ( 5144 )

      Sorry, but NOBODY is going to carry around a WORKING faraday cage for shit like this.

      Ideologically, it seems semi-sane.


      So TALKING aboutthe impossibility INCESSANTLY as your pussy bleeds is INFINITELY better because of you can simultaneously signal your "virtue"!

      • >Sorry, but NOBODY is going to carry around a WORKING faraday cage for shit like this.

        We're already in a world where Faraday pouches for phones are a thing. I don't know how effective they are against a nearby WAP, but they'll easily block your cellular signal even if they're not made very well.

    • What about automatic license plate readers or even facial recognition? You are a fool if you think individuals can thwart a police state.

  • This weird source - that I never heard of before a couple of years ago - increasingly sounds very much like Russian agitprop.

    You can track people with GPS, but you can also locate people who accessed the data. There's no relevance in mentioning this unless the goal is to attack women and make them feel insecure.

    Do Russians have mothers, or do they just spring fully-formed out of toilets?
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Baron_Yam ( 643147 )

      The current state of abortion law and politics in the US means that discussion of abortion is more likely to increase votes for Democrats.

      Putin is fine sowing chaos in general, and the GRU certainly loves to rile up both sides to drive in social wedges towards that cause... but Putin also gets cooperation and adoration from Trump. With Trump, Putin will have a much easier time with Ukraine and will weaken NATO (and the US).

      I seriously doubt you're seeing Russian agitprop right now using abortion as a wedge

      • The headline is blaming the "US government" for the wedge. That's always been a GOP/Russia/Nazi shibboleth, even when they're in control.
    • When Vice Media went bankrupt, a bunch of the now-unemployed journalists formed 404 Media [].

      You're either a troll or a dumbass who doesn't know how to use Google.

  • ... you need to learn to view the state as an enemy and how to protect yourself. The approach here is not only to switch your phone off, but to remove its battery. (You bought one with removable battery, right?)

    Also remember who is responsible (Trump put those judges on the supreme court) and do _not_ trust any of the supporters of evil. They will just rat you out.

  • Red states compete with each other to be the scariest, and not just on Halloween.

  • Don't give every random app permission to track your location, especially background location permission. That's where this data is coming from. App makers make extra money by selling GPS data on their users to data brokers that sell it to companies like this.

  • Just wanted to leave that subject title here.

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Don't forget inalienable rights. Americans like to insist that rights are god given or somesuch and also clearly demonstrate that's not the case by bestowing and revoking them based on fashion.

  • If we do like Handmaid's Tail, then the women won't be allowed to carry phones. So they can't be tracked. Duh.

  • If a city or state has created laws that prevent abortion, then why exactly aren’t they going after the medical clinics instead of “tracking” the cell phones of potential violators?

    You’re either going to be known as law enforcement or law entrapment. “Leaders” choosing the latter, won’t be leaders for long.

Elegance and truth are inversely related. -- Becker's Razor
