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Do US Teens Hate Android Phones? ( 218

America's teens hate Android phones, according to a new article from the Wall Street Journal: Melissa Jones, a former teacher in Lebanon, Ind., observes that, among students, it's considered most important to own a new, up-to-date phone. And judging by the copious TikTok content that pits users of the two operating systems against each other — with Android most frequently the butt of the joke — many teens associate Androids with older technology, and older people, no matter how new the phone actually is.

"You're telling me in 2023, you still have a 'Droid?" says 20-year-old online creator Abdoul Chamberlain during a video posted in April. "You gotta be at least 50 years old." The video goes on to say that only parents have Androids, and despite the persistent claims from Android users that features like the cameras or battery life are better on the Android than the iPhone, Chamberlain refuses to get one. Other videos more somberly describe the experience of showing up to high school with an Android phone and being called "broke" or "medieval" by the poster's peers. Still more describe the feeling of being the lone Android user in a group chat of iPhone owners, shamed by texts which, when rendered in Apple's proprietary iMessage platform, appear in a revelatory bright green rather than the cool blue of messages sent between Apple devices.

Apple holds 57% of the phones market versus Android's 42% in the U.S., according to web traffic analysis site Statcounter. The data skews worse for Android when narrowed down to teenagers. According to a survey of 7,100 American teens last year conducted by investment bank Piper Sandler, 87% of teens currently have an iPhone, and 87% plan on sticking with the brand for their next phone.

But the stigma regarding Android phones is mostly an American phenomenon, at least to the degree to which it affects purchase habits. Worldwide, per the same Statcounter report, Androids represent the significant majority of all smartphones, holding a 71% share of sales compared with Apple's 28%.

Two years ago someone asked Reddit's "Ask Teens" forum, do teenagers really hate Android phones? But the responses were a lot more balanced.

"No," replied one (presumably teenaged) Reddit user. "Apple fanboys are just obnoxious, probably because they're knowingly getting scammed."
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Do US Teens Hate Android Phones?

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  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @12:41PM (#63780422)

    TikTok content that pits users of the two operating systems against each other

    So to summarize, Android isn't popular among TikTok users. That alone confirms Android as a mobile OS for people with more than 2 working neurons.

    • by g01d4 ( 888748 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @12:49PM (#63780438)

      Android as a mobile OS for people with more than 2 working neurons.

      I think Android is associated with people who can develop software which seems to be skewing older. Android -> Linux -> Greybeards [].

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I thought iPhones were associated with older people. It's the phone you get your parents. The walled garden keeps them from doing anything too silly, and if they have a problem you can direct them to the Genius Bar.

        I understand it's different in the US. For some reason US teens seem to like iPhones much more than European teens. Is it a cultural thing?

        • Having watched my 30-something daughter and her husband convert to iPhones a couple of years ago, I can make these observations:

          The promise of something New and Shiny.
          The promise of low monthly payments for that Bright and Shiny Thing.
          The promise of being able to shoot movies with the Bright and Shiny Thing.
          The promise of an integrated audio and video post production with the bytes from the Shiny Thing.
      • That's why I got an android when I finally ditched my flip phone. I figured I was gonna be all 1337 n shit writing my own apps and Android seemed like less hassle to get there.

        I wrote one hello world app and then I got bored. So yeah.

    • by Dusanyu ( 675778 )
      I only use a iDevice because of the lock down. I know this sounds counter intuitive but it goes back to a low time in my life after i was hit by a car and wound up living on social programs Medicaid, SNAP, Lifeline phone, SSI , HUD housing vouchers the whole Gamut of you hit rock bottom for a period of three years while I recovered. It was the lifeline phone that turned me off of Android was for the lifeline devise i was shipped the rather infamous UMX U686CL [] The phon
  • amazing marketing (Score:5, Interesting)

    by roman_mir ( 125474 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @12:46PM (#63780430) Homepage Journal

    I can only dream of my products gaining that sort of a cult following. Personally I never use anything from Apple or MS, so I am on Android not because I like it so much but because I don't have other options (I don't consider Blackberries). I really really don't like Apple computers, their way of doing things and I really really don't trust Microsoft software so I only use Linux/BSD and Android. My choices are minimal.

  • Dumb elitists (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 19, 2023 @12:57PM (#63780462)
    My mom had an iPhone for the better part of 10 years. She's ~80 now.
    Not a week went by without her asking me super basic shit about how to do various things on her phone. She turned off notifications once and couldn't figure out how to turn them back on. She didn't know how to hook up her email. She couldn't make the screen brighter/dimmer. She wanted to change the ringtone. She wanted to install an app. Etc...

    I have *never* touched an iPhone. I've occasionally supported them for elitist morons, and I find them to be absolutely terrible.

    So I bought my mom an Android phone.
    She still had the same damn questions...but I was able to easily support her remotely. In fact, everyone in my immediate family (wife and kids) have an Android phone and knows how to support them. And they constantly help my mom with various issues like installing apps, finding the contact app and then finding a specific contact and clicking the correct button to send a text message, etc...

    Queue my liberal, elitist sister who spend the next 3 months bitching in our family chat channel that our mother can't figure out how to do anything with Android, how Android doesn't even remotely have the same apps and stuff that an iPhone does, and how the iPhone is a million times better.

    So I bought an iPhone and shipped it to my mom. I sent my sister a message saying "I'm done being phone support. I got her an iPhone. Since you're the expert on how *great* iPhones are, you are now 100% in charge of supporting her."

    Apparently this makes me some sort of selfish asshole because my sister now spends at least an hour on the phone every day trying to talk our mother through trying to do iPhone shit..

    Fucking elitist morons.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by aergern ( 127031 )

      Anyone who associates an operating system with politics is a true moron. You're whole yammering post sounds more elitist than your sister-in-law who is just frankly sounding like a spoiled baby more than an elitist. I blame the manufacturer and the add-ons (you and your siblings). /shrug

  • by Arnonyrnous Covvard ( 7286638 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @12:58PM (#63780464)
    All the brand-followers have always been shallow idiots trying to embellish their hollow personalities with store-bought glamour. It's particularly empty at that age, because they're not even brandishing their own economic prowess. A kid looking down on Android is just an "I am spoiled rotten" signal.
    • All the brand-followers have always been shallow idiots trying to embellish their hollow personalities with store-bought glamour.

      Most people remain so for a very long time in their lives. "Helping people embellish their hollow personalities with store-bought glamour", is exactly Apple's core competence. If we look around ourselves, an entire industry is built on that.

  • "Hate"? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Voyager529 ( 1363959 ) <voyager529 AT yahoo DOT com> on Saturday August 19, 2023 @12:59PM (#63780470)

    ...It's not about 'hate'.

    It's about the same thing it always has been: being a part of a group. If the popular kids have iPhone 14 Pro's, 'green bubble texts' from a hand-me-down Galaxy S9 are going to be exclusionary.

    Earlier this year, my cousin's ten-year-old daughter (who is 'popular' by ten-year-old standards) and I were talking at the dinner table, and we discussed Fortnite. Now, I've been playing Unreal Tournament 2004 for almost twice as long as she's been alive, but being an actual grown-up means not spending a whole lot of time playing Fortnite...but I've dabbled in it once or twice, and I said that I've never bought any skins or emotes because I've preferred playing video games on a gaming laptop instead. When I said I didn't mind playing with default skins, her response was " you're broke?"

    I wasn't going to argue with a ten-year-old about the fact that I own my car, multiple gaming laptops, pay rent and utilities and save money for retirement rather than buying cosmetics in a game I rarely play, but the fact that there was that sort of sentiment is telling. I'm sure if she texted me with my "green bubble texts" (y'know...from my Nothing Phone 2), she'd still think I was "broke" because I couldn't confetti-react to her.

    Now, I have nothing to prove to her, so I'm not going to spin up AirMessage or BlueBubbles to be a part of the in-crowd, but if I were an adolescent and had an Android phone...I could very much see feeling like I *needed* blue-bubble texts to increase my social standing.

    Adolescent culture might change its outer wrapping from time to time. I hail from a time when having a cell phone *at all* was how popularity was shown; expensive hair cuts and highlights and makeup were also used. Generic brand school supplies landed you in a lower strata, Jansport backpacks brought you higher, and coming back from winter break with a tan received from a Florida vacation was helpful, too. Now it's iPhones and Macbooks and expensive Fortnight skins and Roblox add-ins for the younger kids...but peel it back and it's all the same: everyone wants to be popular. That can come from being particularly pretty or being affluent (and expressing it with the clothes or the phones or the cars) or skilled at something that's desirable in the group, but it's all essentially the same source that's deeply rooted in the human condition.

    At the end of the day, blue bubble texts implement a technological means of expressing affluence in a context that is visible to others. If the popular kids all communicate with Signal or Discord, then in that group, the problem will be the inability to participate in Signal or Discord.

    I don't know who's surprised that human nature hasn't changed.

    • Re:"Hate"? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:52PM (#63780588)

      The strangest part about this is that this exists among adults as well. The whole "oh my god, neighbours bought a new car, we gotta get a better one" is very real. Status seeking is among the most powerful drivers all living beings have. As in this is not limited to homo sapiens. Pretty much any complex animal seeks status among its peers, usually as a part of mating at the very least, but often also for things like prime feeding territory.

      The main difference in modern western humans is that we're so affluent and decadent, that demonstrating natural signs of not suffering hunger hasn't been a status marker in at least a century. Instead we have artificial markers of status, based on primarily on spending ability. This is why a lot of kids go deep into credit card debt after they get out of the parents' care and enter the world of adults.

      The saying "daddy pays" probably exists in every language for such kids. Like here in Finland, "Pappa betalar", Swedish for "daddy pays" is specifically formulated in Swedish because Finnish Swedes tended to be from more wealthy and aristocratic families, so they have better spending ability and stronger status seeking behaviours than Finns do on average. For those not in the know, people most motivated by status retention are upper class and upper middle class people. Middle class is significantly less invested in status retention.

    • Re:"Hate"? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MeNeXT ( 200840 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @02:07PM (#63780626)

      You missed a teaching opportunity. It's not about showing the ten year old that you are better or richer. It's about showing the ten year old that what they are presented as important are just superficial concepts to part them of their money. It's a scam that has very little to do with anyone's importance. The color of the bubble doesn't say anything about a person. The importance they give to the color of the bubble tells us how shallow they are and if they are mature enough to deal with the real world.

    • > blue bubble texts implement a technological means
      > of expressing affluence

      No. What the blue bubbles mean is that the additional features of iMessage... which are lacking in vanilla SMS and even that RCS thing that Google keeps whinging at Apple to abandon iMessage and switch to... are available to be used in that conversation. That's it. Reading any additional meaning to them is merely a social, not technological, trend that originated completely external to Apple.

      And guess what? If not the blue

    • When I said I didn't mind playing with default skins, her response was " you're broke?"

      Yes. But I still have more money than you.

  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:00PM (#63780472)

    Don’t ask nerds. We would say the best OS is freeBSD (it is, btw) or something ridiculous like that.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      Year of linux on desktop is going to be year of linux on phones (in before idiots trying to sell everyone on the idea that android is totally linux, trust me bro).

    • by MeNeXT ( 200840 )

      I don't know why you said "or something ridiculous like that." It's not ridiculous at all. It is.

    • Don’t ask nerds. We would say the best OS is freeBSD (it is, btw) or something ridiculous like that.

      Weirdly enough iOS, just like MacOS, is built on a CMU Mach and BSD foundation.

    • I thought that Netcraft confirmed that FreeBSD was dead about 15 years ago?

    • by Hodr ( 219920 )

      Still waiting for it to be the year of BeOS. Any year now.

  • I have an Android phone, but my kids (in their 20s) have iPhones. On the other hand, they didn't buy new iPhones... they bought 'em used because they don't care about having the shiniest newest things.

    I'm sure a fairly large fraction of teens really care about what their peers thing, but I'm also pretty sure a sizeable fraction don't give a f**k and go for whatever they think is the best value.

  • ...dream of Apple trees ?!?
  • If you look at the trends through the years, teens always went to higher priced, yet lower quality stuff. This is nothing new actually. However, with the phone, the buy-in is more significant for Apple, since I can't see phones replaced by anything else in the foreseeable future. So, the lock-in mentality is VERY good for Apple as a company. If Apple could make a good gaming platform with their Macs, they could truely dominate the American market. Strangely, I bet most teens that own an Apple phone go on to
    • Heard in a marketing meeting in 1993

      "Never really cared for what an underemployed 18 year old had to say, unless I was dating her and it was time to go home from the party to screw our brains out." In other words 18 dont hold assets anyone cares about except future potential.

      In 2023,

      If your credit rating isnt 650 and your net tax income rate exceeds 20%, I really dont want you to vote.

      In other words 18 don't hold assets anyone cares about, they live hand to mouth.

      Generations evolve, the
  • I remember the times when a sizable dumb group of school children thought they (or their parents) needed to spend $$$ on stupid "brand" clothing. Not having wasted money on that shit did not prevent me from becoming financially much more well off than most of them. So today it's phones instead of t-shirts that are sold to stupid children at ridiculous prices...
    • I remember the times when a sizable dumb group of school children thought they (or their parents) needed to spend $$$ on stupid "brand" clothing.

      Oh, thank goodness everyone is past that!

  • ... "You're telling me in 2023, you still have a 'Droid?" says 20-year-old online creator Abdoul Chamberlain during a video posted in April. "You gotta be at least 50 years old." ... "No," replied one (presumably teenaged) Reddit user. "Apple fanboys are just obnoxious, probably because they're knowingly getting scammed."

    Android (In my TV and a Tablet), Mac (Laptop), iOS (Phone), Windows (Games), Linux (Mostly embedded development), I use what works for me for whatever I'm doing at the moment and to hell with the fanatical fanboys. My life is too short for me to spend any of it on fighting in the computer operating system holy wars. I generally prefer to use Unix based, or Unix like systems but refusing to use Windows for gaming, for example, is like trying to drive down nails with a wrench because you think hammers are fo

  • by Petersko ( 564140 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:24PM (#63780518)

    Who the fuck cares what teenagers think? I don't trust them to make any decisions well. Who does?bI don't like android. I've got five devices based on it languishing in drawers. But the fact that American teens agree with me isn't validating. That fact has no value. Teens are not discerning. Silly premise for an article.

    • >Who the fuck cares what teenagers think? I don't trust them to make any decisions well.

      Well, we really ought to care what they think even if we're not marketing to them, because they get to be the next generation of adults we have to deal with.

      But no, they're generally lousy at making decisions with their incompletely developed brains and swirling hormones vastly reducing their ability to make risk assessments and generally increasing their desire to fit in. Add in their lack of life experience and it'

      • From a CNN report on Maui, a dad relating what his 12 year-old said as they were preparing to take refuge in the ocean: "I’ll take this bag and I’ll go swim with it in the water. You guys have to have the kids."
  • A bit silly to waste braincells on this argument. Android is great is you like custom ROMs, Apple is great is you buy into the walled garden ecosystem and integration. My guess is that these tiktockers aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and they figured out an easy click bait topic to generate views...
    • A bit silly to waste braincells on this argument.

      I agree; but when you've got a company like Apple that has total fanbois and absolute haters, it's unfortunately gonna keep happening (and it's likely seen as "good for engagement" by the editors).

  • by Hagaric ( 2591241 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:33PM (#63780540)

    I was surprised to note that one of my younger coworkers described an inferior product as "a bit android" clearly using it as a derogatory term for something considered tacky or kludgy.

  • by rundgong ( 1575963 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:36PM (#63780548)

    Teens will prefer IPhone until they grow up and have to pay for it themselves. Then all of a sudden the choice is probably no longer so clear cut...

    • ... pay for it themselves.

      14 year-olds aren't allowed to work anymore, so 'protecting' teenagers from the real world allows them to think that what their friends think, is the only answer.

    • Teens will prefer IPhone until they grow up and have to pay for it themselves. Then all of a sudden the choice is probably no longer so clear cut...

      What makes you say that? A substantial number of GenZs that I know don't even have laptops--or they only have laptops that they used to use in college but now they don't really use anymore and it's like an old Windows or Mac or something whatever that means but mostly I just use my phone because what else would you need to do?

      But, they all have fucking nice cellphones. Whether Android or iPhone, the top sales are NOT the cheap models.

  • Many thoughts...sigh (Score:4, Interesting)

    by blahbooboo ( 839709 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:36PM (#63780550)

    First, android can be seen as "old" tech because old generation phones are sold for several years after their launch, whereas apple does remove them from the sales cycle a bit faster. Additionally, android has many many many many cheap POS models which are either the aforementioned old models or cheap low end crap. iPhone overall has a higher minimum bar than android hardware (which is a race to the bottom despite high-end android devices being quite lovely).

    Second, the only people who care which phone you pick are folks writing these articles to generate clicks from other idiots wanting to spew how their tech is better than someone elses (modern penis length contest i guess) and you're a moron for being a sheeple or fanboy. It's a stupid phone, if youre self worth is tied to which phone you buy or belittling others tech choices seek some professional help..

    Lastly, both OSes have their pros and cons. Android is a lot more flexible, and thats fantastic for those who need it and for others the more structured and consistent environment of iOS meets their needs better..

    I guess this is just human nature. .

  • by GrumpySteen ( 1250194 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:38PM (#63780556)

    I know when I'm interested in the opinions of teenagers, I turn to the Wall Street Journal and read the insightful articles penned by aging old farts using TikTok as a research source as they desperate try to cling to the tattered remains of their careers in print journalism.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:38PM (#63780558)

    Two years ago someone asked Reddit's "Ask Teens" forum, do teenagers really hate Android phones? But the responses were a lot more balanced.

    "No," replied one (presumably teenaged) Reddit user. "Apple fanboys are just obnoxious, probably because they're knowingly getting scammed."

    Yes, given Redditors legendary adherence to rules and decorum - I'm sure the people responding in the "Ask Teens" forum are teenagers.

  • Oh, you mean an 'influencer'? Well everything they say or claim is bought and paid for. Remember that Apple likes to hook em young, and will do anything to get their product into the school curriculum.
  • by MeNeXT ( 200840 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @01:46PM (#63780578)

    This reminds me of the people who purchase knock off designer brands. If the only reason you like something is because the name of the brand it just tells me that you need to grow up and get a life. If the reason you prefer a brand is to fit in I would say you are rather shallow and you need to get some help. It just shows the immaturity of the generation.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that there is something wrong with an iPhone. What I'm saying is that if you judge people on such superficial material the problem is you not them.

  • If they want to pay more money to be told how to use their proprietary device with all its limitations, let them.
  • Humans are a tool-using species. Non-techies are indifferent to tools thus inferior humans. Why should a tech site give a shit what they think so long as they stay out of our way?

    If trifles amuse them, sell them trifles and they'll happily give you their money. Forget trying to reach them though because they will never be mentally equipped to understand non-trifles. Like trying to teach the proverbial pig to sing, it doesn't work and annoys the pig.

  • by FudRucker ( 866063 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @02:26PM (#63780670)
    what i dont like is google turning it into a spammy datamining system for their profit, the day i can buy an android smartphone that runs a variety of distrubutions provided by Linux distributers like Debian, or Slackware, it and jumping ship and be the first to buy an open platform smartphone
  • How is this news? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ThumpBzztZoom ( 6976422 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @02:38PM (#63780680)

    I hope Apple's public relations team gets a huge bonus for this one. Money well spent.

    You should see what studies of teenagers in the 90s said comparing Jnco and Levis jeans. Or pretty much anything the vast majority of teenagers do not have to pay for themselves. The more expensive brand is perceived of as better nearly 100% of the time, and teenagers are typically quite petty when it comes to status symbols. By the time they are 25, most of them will have a much different opinion on the budgetary importance of each status symbol.The reality is that pretty much all smartphones do pretty much all the same things at varying levels of quality. There are different features, of course, but 95% of what most people use is pretty much universal, and has been for a while. Apple has the top status, but if that's not important to you, then Android lets you make a wider selection on the quality you can select. You can get a phone for $50 if you don't care, $1200+ if you might care a bit too much, and everywhere in between. Apple has nothing under $430, so of course all the cheap phones are Android, but many expensive phones are also Android. To an adult this is clear, but to the teenage mind it's either not so obvious, or willingly ignored to prove one's superiority.

  • ... is better for tracking your kid?

    Smart parents are going to get together and convince their children that all the "cool" kids have that model. And make the kid think it was their own idea.

    Once children get a bit older and wiser, they'll figure out that they were set up with the optimal leash [] and switch brands. It may help if this new brand is cheaper, so that they won't have to include parents in the purchase (and tracking setup).

  • This doesn't say much for US educational standards or basic numeracy.

    Yes, the rest of us come across stupid people who think that "paying more means better". We also have our uninformables that think that Apple invented everything and everything else is a cheap copy. We just don't have as many as you and they are not so influential.

  • Not all of them, but most mirror the adults in that, but without the filters and without the experience.

  • by tiqui ( 1024021 ) on Saturday August 19, 2023 @10:57PM (#63781516)

    They like the expensive phones that [1] THEY don't have to pay for, [2] all the popular kids have, and [3] they see the most propaganda in favor of.

    Same reason most kids think various forms of Marxism (like socialism, which even Marx said was not a thing, but a transition state leading to communism) are cool. As children, their parents worked as hard as they could often sacrificing their own needs and desires, while they themselves (the kids) consumed according to their needs. As long as they remain stupid greedy and infantile they will cling to the Marxist model, which is the only economic system most kids experience; when they grow up, they'll start to see some value in ignoring propaganda, not following groupthink, and see that they cannot always assume they can have the most expensive stuff because "somebody else will pay for it".

  • The Android ecosystem has a lot of junk devices mixed in. Even the good devices typically come locked down and full of bloatware from the carrier and manufacturer. Buying an iPhone, even one a couple generations old, infers a certain degree of quality.

    I used Android devices for a decade. The Motorola stuff I had was delightful. At the end, I switched to a Google Pixel. The camera was amazing, but the battery life was awful.

    At some point in 2019, I grew frustrated with having to charge the phone so freq

  • She's his bitch even though he's dead.

    Like adults, teens are stupid.

  • The thing I like about Android phones is the wide varierty you can pick from - the competition between Android vendors means we have a whole set of price tiers and features to pick from. Nowadays, I can get a "good enough" new Android phone for under £200 - something you've never been able to do in the entire history of iPhones.

    Once I have the phone, I can keep it on the original OS until it stops getting updates (typically 2 years, though some brands now offer 3 or 4 years) then I can either buy anot

  • Amazing how in this age of woke wonders, ageism is even more prevalent than ever before and anything old definitely only equals bad, so consume more so you never get old!

  • I think a close examination of iPhones will reveal that they have a hidden hypnosis feature. It turns users into blind sheep using flashy lights and spinning icons cleverly disguised as messaging apps. Periodically the screen flashes subliminal messages to Drink Coke, You Really Need the Terabyte Data Plan, and Buy the New iPhone 3000.

  • ... it had to be Adidas sports shoes (with 3 stripes). If you didn't have them, you were not part of the IN group. I survived anyway, wearing my 2 stripe cheap shoes, what else could I do? My parents simply could not afford to buy expensive brand clothes. (That was in the 1970s in Germany, as some might have already guessed.)

    Today I live in a rented apartment - I could afford a house, if I wanted to - have no car at all - I could afford one, if I wanted to - and use a cheap (200 Euro) Motorola Android phone

"Nuclear war can ruin your whole compile." -- Karl Lehenbauer
