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Samsung Announces the Galaxy Fold, a Phone That Opens Into a Tablet ( 95

At an event today, Samsung unveiled its foldable smartphone. It's called the Galaxy Fold, and it sports dual screens: one that folds in half like a notebook, and another that works just like any other. From a report: The roughly 200-gram Galaxy Fold flips open in portrait orientation, and the inside is coated with a film that gives it a photopaper-like appearance. It's got a protective polymer consisting of a cover window, a shock-absorbent film, and a polarizer that's 45 percent slimmer than the company's previous thinnest, along with a flexible layer and backplane. Samsung says the tech -- dubbed Infinity Flex Display -- took seven years to develop. Thanks to a highly durable adhesive, the Fold's 7.3-inch primary screen and "sophisticated" hinge system with interlocking gears can undergo "hundreds of thousands" of flexes without sustaining damage, Samsung says. The 4.6-inch secondary screen doesn't bend, and that's by design -- it puts apps at your fingertips when the Fold's folded in half. [...] It's available in both an LTE and 5G version, starting at an eye-popping $1,980. April 26 is the launch date.
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Samsung Announces the Galaxy Fold, a Phone That Opens Into a Tablet

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  • It is like living in the future.
    • Sure we give a 2k phone from Samsung a pass, but when a year and a half ago Apple releases a 1k phone. We are are all like, Look at Apple Ripping us off again!

      Actually I am giving Samsung a pass on this... Not that I am going to buy it (For one my phone is still new, and secondly it is $2k that I could put to something else, like dental surgery), but it is a novel idea, and not a copy from some other model.
      Now the real question is if Samsung has made a progress, or just a quick fad.
      We will need to see how w

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I'm just glad we are finally getting practical foldable phones. The tech will quickly get cheaper and we can have a phone and tablet in one. Finally a major advance in smartphone tech.

    • It is like living in the future.

      Yes, the very distant future, when I can afford $2000 for a phone.

      • In the future we will all drive Teslas and have these phones. On Mars.
      • It is like living in the future.

        Yes, the very distant future, when I can afford $2000 for a phone.

        Given enough time, inflation will ensure that $2000 is the same as $200 is today. Heck, that only takes 10 days with Venezuelan money.

  • I've been looking forward to something like this for a while, will be interesting to see how well that works in person.

    Seems like it will be a kind of heavy device though with batteries on each side...

    • I'll let you know. I just pre-ordered one.
    • by ranton ( 36917 )

      I won't be preordering a phone that expensive without seeing it in person, but I'm also intrigued. I think it will be too small as a phone and too small as a tablet, but I'm open to be proven wrong. I would have to be awfully convinced that the hinge is going to hold up to constant use for two years. As soon as that hinge gets even the tiniest bit wobbly it will probably be a very poor experience when unfolded.

    • Well heavy is relative. We have been getting use to lighter and thinner phones, mostly because that is the only thing interesting most phone makers can do their phone. I was kinda surprised when I upgraded my iPhone 6 to the X. The X was actually thicker and heaver then the 6. In many ways I think we as consumers like a device with some weight to it. We instinctively feel better with a heavier product. We feel it is better built, and has more in it... While often it is just because such a device may be f

      • I don't think it'll be a problem exactly, I was thinking maybe the weight would be about the same as an iPhone Plus.

        Will also be interesting to see how apps cope with this very different kind of screen with a strange aspect ratio. Maybe they've made it easy to run side by side apps.

  • Hooray! Finally screen large enough to be useful but not large enough that it couldn't be folded and easily carried around.
    • ... while this abomination is a way too large and too heavy phablet that you can unfold into a tablet.

      Wake me when there are actually small devices that unfold into a normal size smartphone.
      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        For me the normal size smartphone is both too small and too large. It's too large to fit conveniently in a pants pocket (though close) and it's too small to do much with. The question is, is this (unfolded) screen large enough. The first consensus seems to be "No, it's too small. Also too expensive."

        For me it might be "slightly usable when unfolded, but by no means comfortable", but I'm a person who finds a full size keyboard slightly too small.

      • by Cederic ( 9623 )

        I haven't seen dimensions yet, but just folding along the long edge has probably killed any chance it'll fit into a pocket.

        That's all I actually need; a phone that'll fit into a pocket.

  • by Zorro ( 15797 )

    Uh NO!

  • I don't care how razor-thin the hinge is, that's two screens there, mate. + the other one.
  • Wow (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ledow ( 319597 ) on Wednesday February 20, 2019 @04:04PM (#58153722) Homepage

    It's like someone said "Please list everything you would never want in a phone" and then priced it at "Please tell me what you would never pay for it".

  • Nice implementation in theory, moving parts are always a problem and dust / crud / moisture will collect in there... maybe it has a full tough gel skin that I can't see, that would allay my fears of infiltration...

  • LOL, other than uber geeks, the hollyweird types, what nut in their right mind will spend THAT for a gimmick?
  • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Wednesday February 20, 2019 @10:05PM (#58155634) Journal

    Yeah, sorry but no way I'm gonna spend almost $2000 on a phone.

    If you want to drop that much on a phone, be my guest, but at that price the whole idea is a total no-go for me.

  • On a technology side, we should be celebrating Samsung trying to innovate.

    With all new technological implementations the initial price is high. We've known this forever. Why be surprised and so hateful? Criticism is one thing, but the amount of disdain here has crossed the line from constructive criticism to ... Something approaching hate. And not just hate for Samsung or the product, but hate or disgust or disdain for those willing and able to take a chance on such 1st generation of a consumer technol

  • The foldability is the one interesting thing about this product. It will sell just because of this feature, meaning that we will quickly find out how durable this screen is in the field.

  • When Apple had an iPad that folded, people complained. Now that Samsung is doing it, people are cheering.

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
