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Handhelds Cellphones Displays Hardware

LG's 0.7mm Smartphone Bezel Is World's Narrowest 63

SmartAboutThings (1951032) writes "LG Display has announced that it has developed a 5.3-inch Full HD LCD panel for smartphones with the world's narrowest bezel at 0.7mm. It's even thinner than a credit card, making the screen give you the impression that it 'overflows.' The company calls the construction Neo Edge technology; it uses an adhesive instead of double-sided tape to attach and seal the panel's circuit board and backlight unit.
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LG's 0.7mm Smartphone Bezel Is World's Narrowest

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  • Drop test? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by CaptainStumpy ( 1132145 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @07:03PM (#48284295)
    Being the world's thinnest ain't worth crap if it shatters when the wind blows. How strong is this .7mm bezel?
    • Being the world's thinnest ain't worth crap if it shatters when the wind blows. How strong is this .7mm bezel?

      As a proud owner of an LG G2 (their last flagship device before the G3), I can attest that the G2 feels like a precious jewel and is super fragile. I dropped it only once (before getting a cover for it, and that made a small chip to the glass bezel). And I actually know a few people with G2s and all those people I know have gotten covers for their G2s for the same reason I did, because the device chipped so easily.

      Compare that to the Sony Experia Z Ultra, I let my nephews play with that one, and it must hav

      • by Anonymous Coward

        LG Nexus 5 owner here. Thin edges. Smashed within a month.

      • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

        Or try to do the same with an iPhone, and I suspect that it will cost a lot as well since most people I know who have iPhones with broken screens don't bother to replace the screen at all (if they don't have the extra insurance to begin with).

        $109 or $129, depending on model, if you don't have AppleCare+, at last check. So still less than repairs for your Samsung Note. That's if you have Apple do it, of course; I have no idea what third-party shops are charging these days.

        • Well the Samsungs do have a much more advanced screen than iPhones, so it is reasonable that it would be costlier. What is not so reasonable is that if you crack the glass on your SGS4 (touchscreen and display working perfectly), they will replace the entire thing (digitizer, display and glass) because the whole thing is fused together. And they charge you full, too.

      • What are you dropping it on and from how high?

        My G2 has been without a cover for 10 months now. Dropped several times on laminate floor, carpet, linoleum, and carport cement (2-4' drops). Been kicked across the floor and the driveway. And went tumbling down the stairs twice so far. Only permanent damage is two small divots on the very edge of the bezels ( in the extremely thin silver band just outside of the glass screen).

        This has been one of the sturdiest phones I've had, and the first touchscreen phone I'

        • What are you dropping it on and from how high?

          My G2 has been without a cover for 10 months now. Dropped several times on laminate floor, carpet, linoleum, and carport cement (2-4' drops). Been kicked across the floor and the driveway. And went tumbling down the stairs twice so far. Only permanent damage is two small divots on the very edge of the bezels ( in the extremely thin silver band just outside of the glass screen).

          The two small divots on the very edge of the bezels is what I'm talking about. Like I said, the drop of mine "made a small chip to the glass bezel". It didn't affect the screen itself. I only thought it was worth mentioning, because now they're making the bezel even thinner. And putting a cover on it is kind of a bummer, because I really love the feel of the phone without the cover.

          Despite what I said, it's a phone I really love. A couple more things about the phone:

          The pull down menu looks horribly clutter

      • They all are the same, break easily. I had a Samsung Galaxy S3 that was always in an Otterbox case for 2 years, I dropped it more times than I'd care, straight on concrete after a 2 metre fall- no problem even when I demonstrated, throwing it straight on the floor. For one day and only one day before I was due to put it on eBay after getting my G2, I had it out of the case, and it slipped out of my pocket, falling 30 cm straight on concrete and it had 2 cracks across the corner, enough to render it worthl

      • FWIW as another proud owner of a G2 I have not found it particularly fragile. Sure, it feels much more fragile than other phones because they threw a plastic shell on it, but it has stood up to time just as well as my other phone. I got a wallet-case for it, and damn Verizon for getting their own SKU that is apparently ~1mm wider, the phone popped out of the case onto a concrete floor from about six feet up. Nary a scratch.

        All that said, part of the reason I got the G2 was its then-best flagship battery

  • Surely holding it with one hand will cause your palm to touch the edges of the screen. Are they touch dead zones? Are they able to be disabled? The S3 without a case had this problem ...or maybe I just have huge hand.s (ladies ;-))

    • Yeah that's pretty useless for a phone. But I'd looove this tech in the next set of large monitors for my multimonitor setup.

    • I was wondering the same as well. You would think that it could probably sense a lot of touch events occurring near the edge and treat that as a non-touch. It seems like the kind of problem that could be solved even with a relatively naive algorithm. If they aren't even considering it as a problem there's obviously something wrong with their design team.
  • Is it generating any buzz over at r/bezels [reddit.com]?
  • by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @07:34PM (#48284497)
    OLED doesn't particularly need a bezel, by design. Here [cnet.com] is a 55" TV with a 1mm bezel.
    • Great but the image stops way short of the bezel. What good is a 1mm bezel if the image stops 5mm before it in every direction?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    My old LG phone extends far enough to the edge of the display as it is... still occasionally get spaz hits on the digitizer from "holding" .. Giving my phone to anyone else to handle usually results in "sorry" or "what's going on" ...

    It isn't that this is in itself is bad it is only when combined with "ultra thin" that you end up with problems. Personally pushing the display out is good but ultra thin sucks.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Surely we can now eliminate the bezel on one side, by bending the electronics, so we can stick cheap small screens together to make big screens ?

  • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Friday October 31, 2014 @08:00PM (#48284639) Homepage Journal

    News for LG - some people, nay - lots of people - put their so-beautiful-we-can-hardly-stand-it LG phones in cases.

    I run a GS4 for a daily driver, and it has as thin, but not micro-thin bezel. If I'm selecting some text that goes to the edge of the screen, I still have to pull back the silicone "layer 1" the wraps just around the edge.

    This is not a good feature.

    Maybe the new LG is shatter proof and waterproof, though, in which case I withdraw my criticism. I would never be so cynical as to suggest that making cases impossible to use would improve profits through increased unit accidental destruction.

    • Cynical much? One phone does not need to be all things to all people in order to be successful. Not all of us need cases on our smartphones: in my 4.5 years of smartphone usage and two smartphones I have yet to damage my uncased phones in any way.

      Since you need a case on your smartphone you should buy a different one, others of us enjoy the beautiful design of a tiny bezel. But I hope to keep my phone at least another 1-2 years so I'm not in the market currently.

  • Great, now I will accidentally touch the screen far more often when I am only trying to hold my phone.
  • by TechyImmigrant ( 175943 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @10:44PM (#48285313) Homepage Journal

    Narrow bezels are nice.
    Thin cases are very, very poor tradeoff.

    Twice as thin == 1/3 of the potential battery volume, bendgate and a less robust design.
    I'd love my Nexus 5 to be a couple of mm thicker with the extra volume filled with battery. I expect there are some iphone6 owners in the same spot.

  • So it could use tape as apposed to tape?
    • adhesive means glue, tape is a flexible flat surface, normally with an adhesive attached to it. ;)

      So they could be going from double sided tape to a sprayed on glue layer.

  • by Ihlosi ( 895663 ) on Saturday November 01, 2014 @03:30AM (#48286063)
    Am I the only one who doesn't care about ever-thinner cellphones/smartphones? They're just getting harder to hold and use, and easier to break.
    • by narcc ( 412956 )

      Judging from the comments above? Nope.

      Personally? I'll take easy-to-hold, larger batter, or no-accidental-touches over thinness any day.

      • I find the thickness of my old iPhone 3GS to be just perfect, especially with the curved plastic back. Our hands aren't designed to hold rectangles with sharp edges.

  • ... treat the CEOs of all mobile phone makers until they drop this stupid obsession with thinness and work on giving us decent battery life?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Wonderful. But if you want to really show off your thin bezels, then let's do a phone with a 5.7" screen so you can get Samsung to buy in with the Note 5 and start doing small bezels.
    Drives me nuts that my bad eyes have to get the biggest phone possible. Sharp can make a small phone.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    How you can insure that you never not covered a part of your screen with your fingers. That your always multitouching, all the time!

  • It's limited to displaying peppers though. If you like viewing your peppers with hardly any bezel, then this is your lucky day!
  • As for me, I need some way to hold on to my cellphone.
    I would like this better in a laptop.

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