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Microsoft Drops Price on Nokia's 41-Megapixel Phone 197

TechRadar reports today the first major public-facing move that Microsoft has made with its newly acquired Nokia devices business: "The headline-making Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone-cum-camera is now available for $100 less in the United States, potentially a sign that Microsoft is already ringing the changes at Nokia. The Microsoft Store stateside is now selling the 41-megapixel Windows Phone 8 handset for $199 (around £127, AU$216) on a two-year contract, compared with Nokia's lofty $299 (around £191, AU$325) launch price. The price is being matched by the AT&T network, but Microsoft is going one better (for a limited time) and chucking in the camera grip accessory for everyone who picks up the device. Early indications are that the heavily-hyped Lumia 1020 hasn't been flying off the shelves, so perhaps this price cut can offer Microsoft a boost in the early stages of its Nokia stewardship."
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Microsoft Drops Price on Nokia's 41-Megapixel Phone

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  • No (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 08, 2013 @08:41AM (#44789383)
    Microsoft doesn't own the Nokia devices division yet. How can people post stuff like this - it has to go through some regulatory reviews and will close in several months. Not today.
    • Re:No (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 08, 2013 @09:38AM (#44789687)

      It's a juxtaposition of terrible writing, as befits Slashdot nowadays. But from my reading it's Microsoft Store lowering their price, so it's got nothing to do with Nokia (necessarily), just Microsoft alone. Of course, it's easy to see how this would be related to the expected sale.
      But as for Nokia itself, the former and future Microsft Stephen Elop actually stepped aside as a CEO with the announcement of the planned sale, so you could easily argue that Nokia is now working more as independent company than they have in the last three years.
      Of course, product prices falling from launch prices are so unexpected and unheard of, that there must be something newsworthy behind them.

    • I was thinking exactly this. In addition the news about the Lumia 1020 price drop precedes the news about the MS deal.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Why is dropping price such big news? It happens all the time for a phone and is routine. Multiple Android phones have received multiple price cuts. But it's only big news if it's a Windows Phone since Slashdot seems to have axe to grind. Recently the Nexus 4 got reduced to a firesale price of $199 unlocked.

      Also another fallacy I see in these kind of posts is "the price dropped by 33%!". Or, "the price dropped by half!"! All while referring to the on contract price. While the "price" may have dropped from $

      • Why is dropping price such big news? It happens all the time for a phone and is routine. Multiple Android phones have received multiple price cuts. But it's only big news if it's a Windows Phone since Slashdot seems to have axe to grind. Recently the Nexus 4 got reduced to a firesale price of $199 unlocked.


        Also another fallacy I see in these kind of posts is "the price dropped by 33%!". Or, "the price dropped by half!"! All while referring to the on contract price. While the "price" may have dropped from $100 to $50, the OEM still getting ~$450 compared to $500 earlier. That's a 10% drop, not 50%!


    • Re:No (Score:4, Informative)

      by davydagger ( 2566757 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @02:59PM (#44791907)
      but CEO Stephen Elop, former microsoft employee has already been offered a position back at microsoft, the concept they are acting independantly at any time is absurd.
    • by ackthpt ( 218170 )

      Microsoft doesn't own the Nokia devices division yet. How can people post stuff like this - it has to go through some regulatory reviews and will close in several months. Not today.

      They already owned enough of Nokia and pumped enough money into Nokia to own more. The pity is the camera is all the phone has going for it. I wouldn't buy one, even if that were the off-the-shelf price, with no contract.

      As it is, I'm firmly in the Pre-Paid camp, so I look at phone prices without the consideration of a 2-year-swindle.

    • by rwa2 ( 4391 ) *

      My head is still reeling from why we're marketing smartphones by the megapixel anyway.

  • Nice (Score:5, Funny)

    by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Sunday September 08, 2013 @08:45AM (#44789411)

    "The headline-making Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone-cum-camera ..."

    The porn industry always loves it when a cum camera gets cheaper.

  • by kurt555gs ( 309278 ) <kurt555gs@ovi. c o m> on Sunday September 08, 2013 @08:47AM (#44789427) Homepage

    Here is a Nokia phone with the same camera. Only running Symbian Belle: []

  • Why don't they throw in a free Surface, as well?

    That would make the offer interesting . . .

  • by ruir ( 2709173 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @08:52AM (#44789461)
    They could give it for free for all I care. Or with a free copy of virtual Gates+Ballmer dancing on the screen. I wouldnt touch them.
    • 6 years ago Apple came in and re-invented what a smartphone was. As a result, RIM is all but dead and we now have Android and Windows Phone 8 that are high quality smartphone offerings. Your comment adds nothing to the discussion - what is its point? You want Windows Phone 8 to die so consumers have less choice?
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        "As a result, RIM is all but dead and we now have Android and Windows Phone 8 that are high quality smartphone offerings."

        Since when does a Windows 8 phone qualify as a quality offering? If it did, then it would be selling well, but it isn't []. Microsoft will never get people to buy their garbage en masse in the phone market, because they can't apply the only business model they have ever successfully implemented: Embrace, Extend, Extinguish". They can't FUD their way into the market. No chance to create v

        • by jbolden ( 176878 )

          A quality offering is not defined by sales. Lots of quality products don't sell well and lots of crap does.

      • by gQuigs ( 913879 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @09:13AM (#44789571) Homepage

        > You want Windows Phone 8 to die so consumers have less choice?

        I do want more choice in the phone space, but I don't trust or want it to be from Microsoft - or for that matter propriatary. Why do you want Microsoft to have more control of our digital lives? They have more than enough. Competition works best with a bunch of small players in a market.

        So yes, I really just want an actually "open" system to actually be given a chance to shine*. (I'm currently holding on to my Palm Pre Plus which still rocks, but is slowly dieing). I'm currently thinking about getting a Firefox OS device [2], but the specs are SOOO bad compared to my Palm. If I could get it without a dataplan w/ AT&T, I would have already purchased it.

        I think the new gen of open source phones that are coming have a better shot (in that the company will actually try*!). Firefox OS, Ubuntu Mobile, Jolla, Tizen.

        [1] []
        [2] []
        * Nokia gave open systems 1 release after saying it was a dead platform and then switched to Windows phone. HP gave up on their TouchPads after 2 months of sales.

        • by bondsbw ( 888959 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @04:30PM (#44792395)

          Microsoft is a small player in this market. And frankly, competition works best when you have companies that are large enough to fight the good fight. As for controlling our digital lives, Microsoft is getting there but their influence is still largely limited to business systems and traditional markets.

          Apple clearly holds the lead in consumer device markets; I am grateful that Google and Microsoft are actively bringing new ideas and fresh devices to the table and keeping Apple from stagnating in the style of IE 6.

        • by csumpi ( 2258986 )

          but I don't trust or want it to be from Microsoft

          You must be joking. Or you need to scroll down two articles [] so you can read about how iOS, Android and Blackberry are all hooked up to the NSA.

          Once you did your research, please do come back and tell us why would Microsoft be any less trustworthy than the other smartphone makers.

      • by sjwt ( 161428 )

        Reinvented?? Is this like how they invented the MP3 player?

        About the one big idea they had was a single product line.

      • by Stormwatch ( 703920 ) <`rodrigogirao' `at' `'> on Sunday September 08, 2013 @01:34PM (#44791361) Homepage

        Competition is good, sure, that's a good reason to hate Elop: he killed Symbian while it still had some coal to burn, and he killed MeeGo before it had its chance -- and even though I haven't used it, by the reviews I've read, MeeGo was a zillion times better than Winblows Phoney. So, FUCK Microsuck, they're a goddamn cancer, I wish they would just die already!

  • All the price drop in the world can't fix the fact that it's Windows Phone. They could offer a free Lamborghini with each phone and that still wouldn't fix it.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by DogDude ( 805747 )
      What's wrong with it, exactly? Is it the wrong brand or something?
      • by laffer1 ( 701823 ) <> on Sunday September 08, 2013 @10:11AM (#44789939) Homepage Journal

        Maybe he's more of a BMW guy?

        I can't speak to others views on windows phones, but I looked at android and windows phone prior to getting an iPhone 5 several months back. I was an existing iPhone user and haven't been impressed with the lack of innovation at apple. The sony and samsung android phones seemed rather good and I also looked at a nokia running windows. The build quality on the nokia was very good and was obviously better than most of the other devices. It felt heavy though. Then I started looking at the OS. It didn't seem terrible and I could figure out how to use it fairly easily. Then I started looking at apps. That's where they lost me. A switch to android would allow me (with some $$$) to get mostly back to where I was on iOS. I wouldn't have access to my iTunes collection anymore. With windows phone, I'd be giving up all sorts of apps.

        That was a few months ago, but google has threatened to pull youtube from Microsoft several times. If even youtube is at risk, how am I supposed to trust it's a platform that's going to stick around for more than a year or two. Microsoft keeps starting over with windows phone and breaking backward compatibility.

        • by iampiti ( 1059688 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @01:40PM (#44791405)
          Actually the Youtube scare was Microsoft's fault. Google wouldn't build a Youtube app for Windows Phone citing low marketshare so Microsoft built their own but it didn't show ads so it violated the terms of service. That's why Google forced them to remove it.
          • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

            by Kalriath ( 849904 )

            Except that it couldn't show ads, because Google wouldn't provide Microsoft with the access needed to do so. So it was actually Google's fault.

          • I thought that Google bumped it b'cos MS used some non-standard enhancements to HTML5, which Google refused to endorsed, so they disabled YouTube watching from that app
  • Deceptive price (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SIGBUS ( 8236 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @08:58AM (#44789503) Homepage

    Saying it's $100 with a two-year contract is misleading. What's the real US price? TFA indicates £599, which would be about $936.

  • The last 4 phones I've had were: iPhone 3G (AT&T), iPhone 4 (Verizon), iPhone 4s (Verizon), Nokia Lumia 928 (Verizon). The Windows Phone 8 phone is the best phone I have ever owned.

    The primary way it is better is that the screen is so much bigger. This is easy to dismiss, but it makes a ton of UI hacks done for the iPhone needless. For example, the fact that the address bar isn't on the screen all the time is a hack to compensate for the small screen. Then that leads to a need for the hack where you
    • Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  • by burni2 ( 1643061 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @09:24AM (#44789609)

    I feel really sorry for all Nokia employees, Balmer said we buy them, well what will happen in the future:

    1.) they will lay off Nokia devellopers and other employees (@Nokia-Employees, sorry guys but look at Motorolla's mass lay offs)

    2.) they will stop producing phones (HTC, Samsung, etc.. can install Windows Phonn(e/y) too)

    3.) they will have a brand name with a nice ring, patents at hand to be a pain in googles ass (not that I like to see the we stopped being good guys with itchsing between the buttocks)

    4.) Finland will have a fond memory of what was once the most successfull & best develloper/producer for cell phones in the world

    Lesson Learned:
    Do not let trojan horses wether enter your computer nor your company !
    Btw. if you ask the horse if it is trojan and it answers no, burn it !

    (The story, that Elop was a trojan horse and so one, was predicted by many others (even here on /.) when he joined Nokia)

    • by jrumney ( 197329 )

      2.) they will stop producing phones (HTC, Samsung, etc.. can install Windows Phonn(e/y) too)

      That would kill Windows phone for sure. Samsung, HTC etc are already a bit half-hearted with their Windows Phone offering (I went to half a dozen phone stores at the weekend, all of them carried about a dozen different models of Samsung Android phones, only one shop carried one model of Samsung Windows phone, which looked equivalent to maybe the Galaxy S3 mini). Now that Microsoft has bought Nokia, I wouldn't be at a

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )

      they will lay off Nokia devellopers

      There are not many left to lay off :(

  • I'm starting to see the genius of the Nokia acquisition. Microsoft sold Xbox consoles at a loss for years to seed the market and build the ecosystem. Now they can do that with smartphone hardware.
    • Naturally. Right now smart phones are selling faster than laptops and desktops. So in 10 years far more people will have a smart phone than a traditional computer. If Microsoft has to lose 10 billion dollars a year for the next 10 years in order to be a big part of that market, it still makes sense for them to do it. We don't have to like it, but it still makes sense for them.
      • , it still makes sense for them to do it. We don't have to like it, but it still makes sense for them.

        Actually it makes makes more sense to properly support Android and iOS for its current hostages on Windows. Windows Phone has been unsuccessful for 3 years now. Perhaps they need a different strategy.

        • Does it? This is of course, wild speculation. But picture two possibilities. On one hand, Office 365 and various Microsoft services and games are one product among dozens of competitors available for iOS and Android. Microsoft may not lose money directly on such an investment, but the company still shrinks as they go from a giant of the tech industry to a niche player.
          Now contrast that to investing so much money that they lose 100 billion over ten years on their path to reaching a third of the mobile
          • by jrumney ( 197329 )

            By not providing first class Office 365 support on Android and iPhone, they are basically guaranteeing themselves the first scenario. If they add in the second scenario, they are getting the worst of both outcomes.

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Sunday September 08, 2013 @02:17PM (#44791651)

    Yes, but can it make calls?

  • That its not really a smartphone.
    I use android, and recently, aquired a lumia 520 running the latest windows OS. Basic things like file rename, send file as attachment in an email is not possible.
    If you use an app to open a file from web, if you delete that app, all files related to that app go away.
    So its kind of like a featurephone.
    With here maps, its wonderful for the 520. You get an amazing GPS featurephone with great touch etc.,
    However, as you spend more, you can get a smartphone so high end win os pho
  • Step 1: Say "Thank you very much for your time and devotion to Nokia. You're not needed anymore".
    Step 2: Make nVidia or Qualcomm design the ultimate reference phone design for Microsoft
    Step 3: Hire a set of industrial designers who are more about design than industry. Nokia doesn't have any.. don't look there
    Step 4: Make a frigging awesome phone.
    Step 5: Ship just one model a year. Nokia's "of course we support our customers when they buy a phone from us. We start designing their next phone for them immediat

They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
