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Android Cellphones Handhelds Open Source Operating Systems Build

Android 4.3 Based CyanogenMod 10.2 Nightlies Arrive 82

hypnosec writes "The CyanogenMod team has announced the release of version 10.2 nightly builds, which are based on Google's latest Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. The current nightly builds have been released for the Google Galaxy Nexus, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S3, LG Optimus G, Sony Xperia Z, and Motorola Razr among others. As always, CyanogenMod team reminds that these are experimental."
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Android 4.3 Based CyanogenMod 10.2 Nightlies Arrive

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  • lots of people are getting "package is invalid" errors when they try to update random apps. sometimes apps update, sometimes not

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Yes, but almost no one will have the update for another two years.

    • by Andy Dodd ( 701 ) <atd7.cornell@edu> on Wednesday August 14, 2013 @10:11AM (#44564365) Homepage

      How can we fix a bug in shit that isn't ours?

      Play Store is part of gapps, which has always been a separate install because it's Google's stuff and not open source. It's a Play Store problem, not a base OS problem (which is why it started happening suddenly on devices that did not receive any form of OS update).

      • by Anonymous Coward

        This only proves the closed nature of Android. What makes it really funny is that not only is Android largely closed source, it *still* manages to have the worst fragmentation problem of any platform.

      • by Weezul ( 52464 )

        I soo need to switch to CyanogenMod for exactly this reason. Avoid closed source apps!

    • I had that problem after flashing the latest Gapps build. What I did that fixed the problem was deleting my Google account from my phone and wiping all that data out, and then reinstalling it. My apps updated like normal.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 14, 2013 @10:52AM (#44564733)

      lots of people are getting "package is invalid" errors when they try to update random apps. sometimes apps update, sometimes not

      It's not just happening with Cyanogen, it's happening to people using the stock ROM's from their Carrier as well.

  • Do these CyanogenMod builds somehow work around Android 4.3's problem with some Bluetooth keyboards []?
    • by Andy Dodd ( 701 )

      I'm not sure if they do yet, but one of the team members has been working on it and I think found the culprit. They're just trying to determine the ramifications of reverting the change that broke things right now. (They were about to leave on vacation, and I think may have band-aided it before leaving though...)

    • The problem with BT is that the way the stack handled got overhauled completely.

      I call it Linux Developer Syndrome, wherein the new code is technically correct, but practically nonfunctioning.

      It just happens -- by conicidence -- to hit every piece of hardware I have.

  • nice (Score:5, Informative)

    by stoolpigeon ( 454276 ) * <bittercode@gmail> on Wednesday August 14, 2013 @09:50AM (#44564185) Homepage Journal

    I made the mistake of buying a galaxy s3 from t-mobile in the U.S. T-mobile hobbled the thing so badly I switched away from the stock os for the first time. I have to say that there are a few bumps but over all I've loved it. Not waiting on Samsung for ever and ever to get Android updates is probably worth it alone.

    • How is battery life and camera on CM? I have an S3, and on my old phone I went full CM and loved it, but heard the actual usability was pretty crap on non-stock for the S3.

      • I have an S3 with CM. The whole process took about an hour, there are guidelines everywhere, but make sure you download everything, including Gapps, before you get started.

        Camera works fine in movie and still mode, and lots of options exist. The buttons require long presses to access functionality that I thought was lost when upgrading.

        I unplug my phone in the morning, use it for tracking my ride or run with Runkeeper while playing MP3s on PowerAmp. It generally plays MP3s all day long, often while I che

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      I had a similar experience with Verizon. Their bloatware essentially crippled the device. Even with a larger battery, I was lucky to get a half day out of it. I installed a minimalist custom mod and now battery life is 3-5 days, depending on use obviously.

      • What put me over the edge was that I went to use my phone as a wifi hotspot and it wouldn't let me. It gave me a message about needing to purchase a special plan to do that.

        I bought the phone for full price and unlocked. I don't live in the US and couldn't buy said plan if I wanted to.

        I was pretty ticked off. My Galaxy S was also from T-Mobile but did not have that issue. Being able to use it for internet access when other options weren't available is one of the major reasons I'm willing to pay for a data p

  • by Kinwolf ( 945345 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2013 @09:55AM (#44564235)
    I tried CM 10 on my GS3 and sadly I had to remove it. Wi-fi, camera and bluetooth refused to work properly, kept crashing or had awful performance, depending on the revision installed. So I went back to the stock ROM, which isn't too bad thankfully, but still has alot of services and programs that I have no use of and yet are always loaded in memory. Next phone(which should not be before 3 years) I am going Nexus to avoid all that pain.(and hoping that Nexus phones still exist at that time)
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Didn't we just have a front page article about how the Nexus 7 has closed source drivers and some guys stopped maintaining their build?

      Waiting for Tuppe666 to tell me why this is good, and how Google is jesus.

      • by Kinwolf ( 945345 )

        Didn't we just have a front page article about how the Nexus 7 has closed source drivers and some guys stopped maintaining their build?

        Waiting for Tuppe666 to tell me why this is good, and how Google is jesus.

        I don't know if google is jesus, , but after googling it I found out that Jesus is ON Google +!

      • It's not so much that Google is Jesus, as "Qualcomm has fucked up licensing policies". For example, the REAL reason why every carrier in the US -- including our two nominally-GSM ones -- impose "LTE Lock-in" is due to the way Qualcomm licenses its radio modem firmware. Basically, if you're someone like Sony, Qualcomm will sell you the chips, but they insist on licensing the LTE (and CDMA) firmware directly (and ONLY) to the carrier itself. So, it's basically impossible to build a phone with carrier-agnostic

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The lack of microSD card slots on the Nexus crap is why I refuse to buy one. The morons responsible for creating that hardware would have us believe that the lack of microSD Card slot is a GOOD thing. Well, they're wrong. Jerks.

      • It's a pretty small quibble. I use Dropbox, Google Drive and a USB connection to my computer to move data on and off my Nexus 7. I'd wager even if I had an SD slot, I'd rarely use it.

        • by tepples ( 727027 )

          I use Dropbox, Google Drive

          Which take 500 MB of one's monthly cap to move a 250 MB video file (250 up + 250 down) and don't work if there's no Internet connection (such as on a bus or in a bowling center). What works for me more often is sharing a folder over the network and using Rhythmsoft File Manager on my tablet to copy files out of the shared folder.

          and a USB connection to my computer

          Nexus 7 uses MTP protocol to move files on and off. Should I upgrade my laptop from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 12.10 to 13.04 to get the new Gvfs that supports MTP out of the box, or is th

          • Which take 500 MB of one's monthly cap to move a 250 MB video file (250 up + 250 down) and don't work if there's no Internet connection (such as on a bus or in a bowling center). What works for me more often is sharing a folder over the network and using Rhythmsoft File Manager on my tablet to copy files out of the shared folder.

            How often are you swapping SD cards on a bus?

          • by snadrus ( 930168 )

            I tried the MTP clients and they're all buggy. Since 13.04's got it built-in, it's nice & fast. It also has been bug-free for me, and I regularly push multi-GB files to SD.

        • its NOT a small problem!

          there are many times when I don't have net access (maybe I'm in my car and not getting signal; and if I want to play back mp3's it has to come from local storage).

          cloud sucks. I won't ever COUNT on cloud shit being there.

          no local storage == no phone purchase. its that simple.

          soldered in battery also is a showstopper for me, even though I can unsolder and do my own repairs. if I need to swap batteries to get extended runtime (or any other reason) I'm not going to be told 'no' by th

          • by clgoh ( 106162 )

            The battery is not soldered in in the Nexus 4 and Nexus 7.

          • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

            "no local storage == no phone purchase. its that simple."

            What phone has no local storage? I guess it's not that simple.

      • It seems as though the microSD medium is now depreciated. Don't expect any of the new phones to have removable media slots.
        • they won't .... until they do!

          I can't believe they'll all join the group of hobbled-hardware-by-design. one has to break from the pack and think on its own.

          that one will be my next purchase. I will skip all the others that force cloudiness.

          • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

            SD in phones is "hobbled-hardware-by-design" and always has been. It does not transparently expand the storage that exists on the device, storage that you seem to think doesn't exist. With such ignorance on display, why should anyone listen to you?

            Once upon a time, smartphones didn't transparently switch between cellular and WiFi. Then the iPhone came along and did it right and now it's taken for granted. Expandable storage on phones works poorly because talented people aren't committed to making it wor

            • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

              Went to the Google store and saw this here: []

              "1) MicroSD card only compatible with select third party applications. Not compatible with Google services. "

              By "select third party applications" they mean almost nothing.

              The problem is that SD cards in Android devices suck and few applications support them. Meanwhile, most users are satisfied with 16-32 GB and it's better in many ways to simply integrate that and leave the nerds to bitch

      • by dc29A ( 636871 ) *

        Maybe it's a way for Google not to compete with their partners, especially Samsung.

    • by dc29A ( 636871 ) *

      My SGH-T999 works great on CM 10.2 nightlies, before I was on 10.1.2+ nightlies, never had any issue with BT, WiFi nor camera.

    • You must've done something wrong. CM10 works fine on my GS3. Everything - camera, gps, bluetooth, wifi, tethering - it all works fine.

      Looking forward to the new camera app in CM10.2

  • I have 10.1 on my S4. I had it on within 24 hours of getting the phone. I find the Samsung ROM too busy and flashy. But I am waiting for the issues around the camera to be dealt with before trying it out.

  • When I read this story, I immediately checked if they finally made a CM for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, but alas they haven't.
    According to what I can find, there should be a very early alpha around, but certain important things are still not working in that build.

    However, someone made a custom CM build from that alpha build, that should work. []

    I just don't feel like messing around with my phone with a custom-custom ROM.

    Hopefully CM will release a stable CM for

  • I downloaded the latest update and gapps 4.3, but when I boot into recovery it says the .zip cannot be found. Would this have anything to do with my phone being encrypted?
    • On my Nexus 4 ClockworkMod Recovery v6.0.2.3 Finding update package... E: Can't mount /sdcard/0/cmupdater/ Installation aborted E: Can't mount /sdcard/
  • LG Optimus G is not one of the officially supported devices.

  • by LanMan04 ( 790429 ) on Thursday August 15, 2013 @10:46AM (#44573579)

    I dirty-flashed my Nexus 4 (mako) with the new 4.3 nightly over the last/latest 4.2.2 nightly (and flashed the new gapps) and it was a disaster.

    --Play Store broken, errors on every download/update even after clearing data/cache/etc
    --No audio on phone calls
    --Practically every Google app crashed
    --No photosphere in the camera app

    Bleh, I'll wait until it's stable.

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