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Nintendo 3DS XL Is Out Now 90

Busshy writes "A few months after the rather subdued release of the PSVita comes the release of the Larger screened 3DS XL, improvements are the obvious larger screens and much improved battery life, CVG report that the 3D effect has noticeably improved. As you'd expect with a larger display, the sweet spot in which you have to angle the device to consume your trio of dimensions is far easier to find on the XL. The console is shipping in 3 variations with sites such as Amazon offering different deals depending on where you live in Europe. Those wanting the Transparent version of the 3DS XL are out of luck at this time. Slashdotters in the USA will have to wait till Mid August for the new console."
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Nintendo 3DS XL Is Out Now

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  • by Anonymous Coward


    Not all of us live in Europe. Wish /. would remember that. Why so Euro-centric? You know there are OTHER countries in the world other than those in Europe?

    That sound whiny to you? It does to us US slashdotters too when you do it.

  • I thought about getting a 3ds, but compared to the original DS, it seems to have a very lacking library. Are there any killer apps for the 3DS?
    • Re:Games? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Darkness404 ( 1287218 ) on Sunday July 29, 2012 @08:45PM (#40813481)
      Super Mario Land 3D is pretty awesome. New Super Mario Bros. 2 is also supposed to be good but isn't out till August. If you haven't played it the first time around on the PS2, Tales of the Abyss is excellent. Kid Icarus is also great. And of course Ocarina of Time is too, but chances are you've already played it to death on the N64/GameCube/Wii.

      There's also Mario Kart 7 and Resident Evil: Revelations, but I haven't personally played either of them quite yet.
      • RE: Revelations is the killer app. It's one of the best games I've played in a while on any system. Super Mario 3D Land is addictive as well, and the 3D remakes of Kid Icarus and Kirby are great for killing 5 minutes here and there.
    • The 3DS versions also play games written for the DS versions, so the libraries are extras on top of the regular DS library.

      The 3D games/3D effect isn't a reason to buy a 3DS if you already have a DS. It's a reason maybe to spend a little more and buy the 3DS if you don't already own a console of this type at all, but the older non-3D consoles seem really cheap at the moment so now's a good time to get one for each of your kids if you have more than one child.

      My son and also my nephew have a 3DS and they bo

      • by gfxguy ( 98788 )
        My son... a long time GB and DS fan, got the 3ds for his birthday very close to the time they were initially released. The 3D effects was interesting, if not particularly useful, but what was cool was that we were on vacation (coincidentally) on his birthday... and we got home with a number of 3D pictures he took with it, including a bunch as the aquarium that came out really well. We downloaded some anaglyph software to convert the images to red/cyan... pretty neat. But yeah, I don't think the library o
        • I didn't know it could take 3D photos - thanks for the tip.

    • Yes and no. It depends what you want.

      If you have a massive, deep and uncritical affection for Nintendo's traditional franchises (and let's face it, a lot of people on slashdot do), then it's fairly good. You've got Mario, Mario Kart, a Zelda remake, a Starfox remake and so on. That said, none of these are doing anything interestingly different. They are straight technical facelifts for the old franchises.

      But if you're expecting to find a line-up like the DS had - where the machine was basically the de-facto

      • The DS was a handheld version of the PS2

        I think I get what you were saying, but let me just go ahead and be a pedant and say that the PSP was a handheld version of the PS2, spinning disc and all. And the hardware is clearly descended from the PS2 hardware, which is what actually brought me here to whinge.

        • Oh, in a technical sense, you're absolutely right. What I was talking about, however, was the software line-up and the general market position.

          The PS2 dominated its generation in a way that I don't think any other console has achieved before or since. It had a vast installed base, but that's not all of it - the Wii also has an installed base, but is a long way from being a dominant platform. What the PS2 had was the game-sales momentum to go with that installed base that made it a pretty much unstoppable fo

      • If you have a massive, deep and uncritical affection for Nintendo's traditional franchises (and let's face it, a lot of people on slashdot do), then it's fairly good. You've got Mario, Mario Kart, a Zelda remake, a Starfox remake and so on. That said, none of these are doing anything interestingly different. They are straight technical facelifts for the old franchises.

        Yeah, that's it. A massive, deep, and uncritical affection. It couldn't be because people get tired of sifting through drek and don't mind that there are consistently solid (if not always truly inspired) games available for Nintendo's systems. I didn't bother reading the rest of your spiel because I've heard it before.

        But besides that, why the fuck do you care what people play?


        • Yeah, that's it. A massive, deep, and uncritical affection. It couldn't be because people get tired of sifting through drek and don't mind that there are consistently solid (if not always truly inspired) games available for Nintendo's systems. I didn't bother reading the rest of your spiel because I've heard it before.

          But besides that, why the fuck do you care what people play?

          Because the thread's about whether there are any killer titles for the 3DS? And because, as a 3DS owner, it's fair enough for m

    • by Galilee ( 90424 )

      Make sure you try one out before buying one. I bought a 3DS on launch day and then I found out that the 3D effect gave me a headache within minutes of play.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Can't wait for the North American release. I've had a 3DS since launch day and despite the naysayers it's more fun than a barrel of Donkey Kongs.

    • I had one, lost it(slippery shell), and got a replacement in red. The platform itself is pretty wild, but I was a bit underwhelmed by the titles. That is, until I got ahold of a ps2 favorite, Tales of the Abyss, with improvements. Now all I need is them to release a Monster Hunter and I may never put it down.

      I was disappointed that they released the XL, out of jealousy, since it seems to fix the battery life issues and the small screen for not crazy amounts of money.
      • I was disappointed that they released the XL, out of jealousy, since it seems to fix the battery life issues and the small screen for not crazy amounts of money.

        But you knew this would happen, didn't you? You could have delayed your purchase.

        • I didn't know when I made the purchase. That they'd make revisions? Sure, but I was expecting a slim model with dual thumb pads, not a bigger and more efficient one.
          • I didn't know when I made the purchase. That they'd make revisions? Sure, but I was expecting a slim model with dual thumb pads, not a bigger and more efficient one.

            I assume they saw how many people were buying DSi XL units for the bigger screens and decided to forgo the smaller Lite model and go straight to XL to pick up the 3DS's lagging sales.

            That the new version would be more efficient was a no-brainer, though.

    • by Osgeld ( 1900440 )

      I was board of donkey kong in the 80's, had a slight revisit in the 90's

      thats why I dont bother with nintendo much, its the same franchises in even more stupid situations, I want something new and original but the nintards keep screaming for zelda 103 so its a wonder why the market has pretty much peaked a decade ago

      • by wed128 ( 722152 )

        Personally, i can't wait for Zelda 103. Most consistantly fun franchise in the world.

  • by Antipater ( 2053064 ) on Monday July 30, 2012 @01:12AM (#40814895)
    Malibu Stacy has a new hat!
  • I'm gonna wait for the 3DSi XL Lite Super Turbo Hyperfighting Edition to be released.
    • by Genom ( 3868 )

      Nah, hold out for the Super 3DSi XL 64 Turbo Hyperfighting EX Plus Alpha 3rd Strike Championship Arcade Edition 2012 Lite ...which will obviously be the definitive competitive platform, at least until they release DLC.

Surprise due today. Also the rent.
