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Android Handhelds

Lenovo Claims Samsung Galaxy Tab Sold Just 20,000 202

An anonymous reader writes "Andrew Barrow, director of consumer products for Lenovo Western Europe, claims that the original Galaxy Tab only sold 20,000 out of one million shipped. He goes on to say Samsung was 'channel stuffing' in order to generate publicity and become known as a major Android tablet manufacturer."
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Lenovo Claims Samsung Galaxy Tab Sold Just 20,000

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  • by Trepidity ( 597 ) <> on Saturday September 03, 2011 @08:41AM (#37295716)

    From Wikipedia,

    Channel stuffing is the business practice where a company, or a sales force within a company, inflates its sales figures by forcing more products through a distribution channel than the channel is capable of selling to the world at large.

    Sounds analogous to the common practice in the book-publishing industry of quoting "100,000 copies shipped" or whatever, which may or may not bear much relationship to how many books have been sold. In fact, some of the strange practices in book retailing, like publishers' willingness to give a credit to bookstores for unsold books without even having them returned, are in part aimed at making it easier to shovel a bunch of books down the distribution channels.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by ge7 ( 2194648 )
      Google probably has their hands in it too. Galaxy Tab is the only widely known Android tablet and they need to push the idea that someone is actually using Android in tablets. They are a marketing company after all, so they play tricks. This says more about Google and Android than about Samsung, actually.
    • some of the strange practices in book retailing, like publishers' willingness to give a credit to bookstores for unsold books without even having them returned

      You only see this with mass-market paperbacks. It's not standard practice to warehouse old mass-markets, and having the bookstore destroy them makes more sense than paying to ship them back to the publisher so that the publisher can destroy them. The bookstore is required to rip off the front cover and send it back and has signed a contract that the

      • Thats just one tier. Book publishers also work closely with the chains (at least the large ones) to liquidate those hardcovers at extremely low prices before they resort to destroying them.

        If you walk into a bookstore, you will notice that is very common.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 ) []
      i.e. how to sell hundreds of thousands of cars :)
    • by alen ( 225700 )

      everyone does it. i remember years ago AMD got slammed for doing it. they "shipped" a lot of CPU's in one quarter for some good revenue numbers and the next quarter they took a charge to take them all back.

      very easy to catch too. wall street analysts hit the malls on weekends and ask the sales drones about sales or just watch foot traffic. then they plug the numbers into their models and get some estimated sales figures

    • Sounds like what the scientologists did when their messiah (may he rest in peace with Xenu) wrote a new book.

  • Does anyone other than Samsung and Lenovo really care?

    • Re:And? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by haus ( 129916 ) on Saturday September 03, 2011 @08:47AM (#37295754) Journal

      Anyone considering making applications for tablets might be interested in how many tablets of a given type have made it into the hands of consumers (e.g. people who might buy there apps).

      • by MrHanky ( 141717 )

        No. The original Galaxy Tab runs Froyo or Gingerbread, so no one will actually target it specifically. It runs Android phone software.

    • Does anyone other than Samsung and Lenovo really care?

      Speaking as somebody who owns an iPad, I would love to see something like the Tab (which is pretty nice, actually) light a fire under Apple to try even harder.

      Let's get some competition going.

      • Speaking as somebody who owns an iPad, I would love to see something like the Tab (which is pretty nice, actually) light a fire under Apple to try even harder

        Oh, you mean like the Galaxy tab 10.1?

        Incidentally, I use both my Xoom and my mother's iPad 2 and I can state that the Xoom just blows the ipad out of the water in usability, contrary to the usual spin from Apple cultists. For example, playing videos on the Youtube app, the video position slider just fails to respond without repeated attempts. And several times I have picked up Mom's ipad to find all the icons jiggling. My mom put it down because she could not figure out how to get it to start doings stuff

  • by Anonymous Coward

    You can't be as or almost as expensive as the real thing (iPad) and *not* be the real thing. If they would sell the device at $200, it might have a chance. But for anywhere close to the price of an iPad, everybody is just going to buy the iPad, which is far more polished and comes with many more real tablet apps (not ported phone apps) and the app store.

    If people can get more quality for the same price, they generally will. This is why Apple sells every single iPad it can produce, and knockoff products d

    • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

      I'm thinking the Color Nook is about the best Android Tablet out there for the money.

      • For about $15 more, you can snag a Viewsonic gTablet from Amazon... though until the gTablet price drop, was looking at the Nook Color. The gtablet is running a much better CPU, though the screen on the NC is a bit better in terms of field of view. my gTablet is pretty narrow, but once rooted to VEGAn-Tab, runs way nicer than the stock ROM. NC needs to be rooted to get the most out of it, which isn't a huge deal, just good to know. I'd like to see either of these hit the sub-$200 price point though.
    • by jimicus ( 737525 )

      Thing is, the iPad's been out about - what, nearly 18 months now? I reckon if anyone was able to make and sell a similar tablet for $200, they'd have done so by now.

      If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that unless you commit to millions of units (a hell of a risk when nobody has been able to emulate Apple's success to date), it is not physically possible to manufacture a tablet for much less than US$300. By the time you add on the profit margin for distributors and retailers - particularly bricks & mort

  • That means there's 980,000 Galaxy tablets out there nobody wants.

  • by CrackedButter ( 646746 ) on Saturday September 03, 2011 @09:04AM (#37295860) Homepage Journal

    This is regarded as the best Android tablet device as well. Hello HP, you had the number two position in your hands, even YOU sold more than that before the fire sale.

    • by plover ( 150551 ) *

      And to bail out of the market the week before Jobs resigned? They're not just a tool, they're the whole toolbox.

      • by blair1q ( 305137 )

        HP is one of the dumbest companies on the planet ever since Carly Fiorina stole the job. Her leaving just left the dopes who didn't quit when she got the gig.

        It's been careening downhill ever since.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 03, 2011 @09:26AM (#37296002)

      Lenovo is referring to the fail 7 inch original Galaxy Tab running Android 2.2. Not the Honeycomb tablet. This is because Lenovo made their own tablet running Android 2.3, in that same 7 inch form factor.

      Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 is doing just fine.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • This is why I chose a Dell 5" Streak personally. It fits in my pocket and its very slim too. With Android 2.2 its still lacking the ability to use its front-facing camera in many chat programs (sigh) but its a great device I get asked frequently about.

          Unfortunately, Dell stopped selling them but Sony's doing a 5.5" clamshell tablet so that'll be interesting.

        • The primary reason I have no interest in the smaller tablets is because my Android phone already has a 4.3" screen. If I were to get a tablet I'd want something iPad sized because otherwise I might as well just use the phone I'm already carrying around.

        • The point of 7" tablets is that they are light enough to hold with one hand conveniently for long periods of time (like books). iPad, at 600g, can be held that way, but not for long, unless you find some support for your hand. For comparison, 7" Galaxy Tab is 380g, and the upcoming new Samsung's 7" tablet with OLED screen will be 330g. Kindle 3 is 240g.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Makes me think that without Apple's iWant factor there isn't much demand for tablets. Most people already have a smartphone.

  • by Jerry ( 6400 ) on Saturday September 03, 2011 @09:36AM (#37296058)

    When MS released the Win Phone 7 they counted the retail sales, the devices setting on retail shelves, the devices in the retail channel, the devices on manufacturer's inventory shelves and, apparently, the devices being made at the time. All to make it appear that the WP7 was enjoying greater success than it actually was.

    Of course, we are assuming that Lenovo is telling the truth which, along with ethics, seems to be scarce commodities in business these days.

  • I'm trying to work out the point of this mud slinging.

    • Lenovo definitively has an interest in this going out, as do most Android manufacturers. Some may fear the information coming out may hurt overall Android Tablet popularity, but truth is, if the public thinks only Samsung is able to "ship" large numbers of tablets and "sell them", that then perhaps only Samsung Tablets are worthwhile, hurting drastically any competing Android Tablet manufacturer.

      Another point of issue is the stores themselves may stop accepting more than a couple units of any other brand du

  • There is no way that Samsung sold only 20,000 of the original Galaxy Tab. There are more than that number sold in the UK alone.

    • Source of this information? Also keep in mind that he was specifically talking about the original 7" Galaxy Tab, the one Samsung said was selling through "quite smooth" but refused to reveal numbers for.

      I do find it interesting he made his callout specific to this model and didn't say anything about the 10.5" model. If he has his hand on that information, it would had been nice to know the sell numbers for that model too.

  • Unfounded corprate trash talk. How is this news?
  • I wonder... (Score:2, Informative)

    by MrMatto ( 2429900 )
    ...if Apple's injunction against Samsung has anything to do with there supposedly only being 20,000 out of a million units sold?
    • ...if Apple's injunction against Samsung has anything to do with there supposedly only being 20,000 out of a million units sold?

      No. It is a different tablet. Apple couldn't quite claim that customers would confuse a 7" Samsung tablet with a 10" Apple tablet.

  • I don't mean at Fry's. I mean, in use. Not at a tech conference, but among the typical, everday, consumer.

    I've never seen a 7" Galaxy Tab.

    As of June, Apple has supposedly sold 25M iPads []. 1M Tabs? That means for every 25 iPads I saw "in the wild", I'd expect to see at least 1 tab.

    For fun sake, let's assume they sold 25,000. That means I'd at least see 1 for every 1000 iPads. I know I've seen at least 1000 iPads - probably 2-3 times that means. Not a single 7" Tab. (I've seen one 10", and I've seen one Xoom,

  • Living in Korea, I've seen them fairly regularly. Koreans will let nationalism colour their purchases, and you can buy the tab here on a payment plan from various shops. So it's not that hard to get. The same goes for MP3 players, while I rarely saw anything but iPods in North America, at the same time that I came to Korea, an on the street estimate would have put their market share at only around 10%.

    Now a lot of people are using their phones (which are often iPhones, but just as often not).

    Also Samsung cl

  • by walterbyrd ( 182728 ) on Sunday September 04, 2011 @09:27AM (#37302320)

    Android tablet makers don't seen to understand that, with the iPad being used by law enforcement, and hospitals, and all. Nobody needs an Android table that costs just as an iPad.

  • by cardpuncher ( 713057 ) on Sunday September 04, 2011 @11:30AM (#37302860)

    You'd think there'd have been some really significant discounting in the channels if there were a million sitting in warehouses. There were some brief offers on the original Tab, but there was no fire sale. Presumably Samsung would have an interest in getting them in people's hands rather than simply scrapping them. It would be an expensive - and unimaginative - way to protect brand reputation.

