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Has the Native Vs. HTML5 Mobile Debate Changed? 161

itwbennett writes: The tools available to developers who need to build an application once and deploy everywhere have exploded. Frameworks like, Ionic, PhoneGap, Sencha Touch, Appcelerator, Xamarin, and others are reducing the grunt work and improving the overall quality of web based mobile applications dramatically. The benefits of a build once, deploy everywhere platform are pretty obvious, but are they enough to make up for the hits to user experience?
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Has the Native Vs. HTML5 Mobile Debate Changed?

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  • by captaindomon ( 870655 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @01:58PM (#49562271)
    The problem with frameworks is that they lower the end product to the common denominator. Instead of having an app for each platform that exploits the strengths of that platform, you end up with whatever you can manage to get to work on every platform. That works for simple apps like news websites maybe, but not when you want to integrate tightly with device hardware and how the established user base is used to interacting with their chosen platform.
    • by holostarr ( 2709675 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:04PM (#49562345)
      Except most app developers want to target as many users across as many devices as possible so it makes more sense to use tools that target the most "common denominator". It makes very little financial sense to spend months on a native app that runs on handful of devices rather than most device using a tool like PhoneGap.
      • by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:15PM (#49562439)

        That's assuming you don't care about giving your users a good UI experience, because if you don't, your competitors just might. You can always financially justify cutting corners if you're not considering longer-term ramifications.

        I'm not saying building native apps is the right decision for all apps, but it certainly is the right decision for *some*.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          I don't know about you, but I visit many more websites than I install apps. By a large margin.This trend is prevalent among even the most app crazy smartphone owners. Nobody is saying there's not a place for Apps and desktop applications. Just that, perhaps, those should not be the de facto standard.

        • by holostarr ( 2709675 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:54PM (#49562811)
          You can built incredible apps and UI using PhoneGap. Browse the list below and you'll be surprised how many popular apps are built using nothing more than Javascript and HTML5:

      • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

        Unless you are ok with that app not working at times.

        Web based is 105% crap when connectivity is flakey.

        If you are making "free" apps, go for it, but if you are charging a customer $29.95 for the app, it had damn well better be a native app that works even with all radios turned off.

        And I have a couple of $29.95 apps. Hell I have one for room audio tuning that was $59.95

        • by jtara ( 133429 )

          The article isn't talking about webapps, nor is it talking about apps that require a server. It's focused on hybrid native-app platforms that leverage the use of a WebView for UI. The pages that the WebView displays don't have to come from a server over a network.

        • by plover ( 150551 )

          Connectivity is huge, but it's only one of the ingredients in making this decision.

          If you want the app to work for them outside of the corporate WiFi, you have to host it on the public internet, where all attackers are equally welcome without regard to skillz or skripts. Are you sure that server is secure? What about tomorrow? Are you patching it? Are your users securing their devices properly? Uh oh, it's the new version of Heartbleed, go back three spaces.

          You also have to consider performance. Is th

      • Most app developers are just trying to win the app lotto, not do anything actually useful or noteworthy.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        Except most app developers want to target as many users across as many devices as possible so it makes more sense to use tools that target the most "common denominator". It makes very little financial sense to spend months on a native app that runs on handful of devices rather than most device using a tool like PhoneGap.

        Targeting two mobile OSes gets you almost all users. And only one of those OSes has users willing to pay for your apps. Users of that OS tend to expect apps which work well, and that means using the latest and greatest APIs the platform supports. A framework prevents you from using them. Name one app written using a cross-platform framework that normal people willingly choose over a native alternative.

        This is not a new phenomenon. Java allowed developers to write programs with GUIs that ran on six diff

        • Yup. Mod parent up.

        • Just because an app is using something like PhoneGap doesn't mean it will provide you with a inferior experience than a native app. A lot of apps these days are using things like PhoneGap and Xamarin Studio, you just don't realize it. Browse to the list of apps built with PhoneGap below, you'll be surprised how many popular apps were built using Javascript and HTML5: []
        • by gauauu ( 649169 )

          Java allowed developers to write programs with GUIs that ran on six different OSes. It has been almost two decades since this worked well, and I have yet to encounter a single Java program with a GUI that I want to use. In every case, a native application for the platform I am using is significantly better.

          Many developers (including myself) would consider Jetbrains' IDEs to be some of the best development tools available today. They are written in java.

          Just because you've encountered a lot of garbage, doesn't mean that it's all garbage.

        • I think you really have no idea which apps are actually written in a crossplatform framework and which are really 'native'.. Most crossplatform frameworks ARE native, and most mobile platforms do have the same kind of options..
          To be honest, why would I need a native app if there is also a webbased version available, and in a lot of cases I think the mobile versions (of native apps of websites themselves) are crap compared to regular versions.. (Most apps are nothing more than a dataviewer)..

          But I agree, I'd

      • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

        Except the net result is a sea of shitty fucktacular 'apps' that do the bare minimum, with no flexibility, security, or dependability, as storage and availability depend on connectivity and continued vendor interest.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by StikyPad ( 445176 )

        If only it were that easy. The problems with cross-platform development are myriad. The LCD experience has already been outlined, so here are the others:

        1) It's write once, TEST everywhere, and you can't debug the code you actually wrote -- only the specific translation of that code into native code. And that sucks beyond words. It can be incredibly time consuming to the point where it easily erases any time you saved in development. And the longer the lifecycle, the more of your budget this is going t

        • Except you are wrong! I work for a company that recently built a mobile version of one of their apps and initially we went down the path of building native versions of the app due to the insistence of one key person. At the end, we ended up using Xamarin studio because native development offered nothing of value and ended costing extra time and money. For example on Android if you want to provide something as simple as an action bar across all version of the OS, you will have to resort to using a 3rd party
      • Except most app developers want to target as many users across as many devices as possible

        Say, isn't that what Malware and Spyware authors want too?

        It makes very little financial sense to spend months on a native app that runs on handful of devices

        "Handful" = > 500 million... that's just for iOS. Android has more.

        I'd say 500 million potential customers warrants SOME degree of effort.

        Also if it's so easy for me to build out something mediocre in PhoneGap that works for everyone, doesn't that mean the ine

      • Unless your app is MUCH MUCH cheaper than the other one, I'll choose the one with the better UI, which almost always would mean the native UI one.

    • by Penguinisto ( 415985 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:18PM (#49562465) Journal

      Dunno... I've seen where a well-built common UI framework (Qt specifically) can make cross-platform not only easier, but improves the UI beyond the OS it rides on, and more importantly, provides a consistent user experience for those who do switch between platforms.

      A perfect example of this is in desktop CG applications ( this one, ferinstance. []) In this case, there are no real OS-specific strengths that your UI would even need to care about. In the case of cross-platform CG apps, a professional artist can use the Mac version at work, the Windows version at home, and not have to care about interrupting his workflow because of UI inconsistency.

      Now on the mobile side, this becomes even more important I suspect, with a not-insignificant number of folks swapping between platforms every year or two... your app remaining consistent between them is kind of important at that stage. For anything cute/unique that you want to add or remove for a specific platform, I suspect that case statements (or equivalent) would take care of that, no? It would at least allow you to keep it all in one codebase if nothing else. You just have to know what you're doing when you build it, and be sure that the underlying language is equally cross-platform (in the above example, C++ is the weapon of choice).

      Besides, the only way you really would be able to commit to tight hardware integration would be the case of iPhones - it'd be the only platform where you could expect a consistent and relatively limited variety of hardware specs and features across all users - a condition you'd never see with Android, WP, or even (heh) Blackberries.

      • by jddj ( 1085169 )

        Disagree with your comments on CG UI.

        I used Lightwave 3D for quite a while. It's built with one of these cross-platform Frankenstein UIs, and frankly, that part sucks.

        I want an app to behave on a Mac like a Mac app, on a Windows PC like a Windows app, and on a Linux box with whatever feeble attempt at consistency it can muster.

        Ditto goes for iOS and Android. Can't stand seeing the iOS "BACK" button on an Android screen. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

        • First, Lightwave is indeed the suck UI-wise, but the blame lies squarely with the dev team's choices and design. Remember that they're likely still using something from back in 2000 or so. Count your lucky stars though; at least you've never had to work with a Kai Krause production (e.g. Poser, Bryce, Carrara)... I still wake up with night sweats at the very thought of having to untangle the UI mess that Bryce was built with.

          Secondly, the whole back-button-on-Android thing is standard UI housekeeping; conce

      • by Rob Y. ( 110975 )

        QT addresses write once, build for everywhere. But a big part of the issue here is write once, deploy everywhere - which is a whole other animal. App stores make deployment - and upgrades - pretty easy, but once your app has any kind of complex database behind it, you need the kind of synchronized update everywhere that's a logistical nightmare. Like it or not, web apps rule for deployment - and deployment rules.

        I've long advocated for a 'smart terminal' approach, where the 'app' is just a GUI with a set

        • I've long advocated for a 'smart terminal' approach, where the 'app' is just a GUI with a set of capabilities, and all the smarts are up on the server.

          As a user, what you're advocating is something I consider a dystopian nightmare.

          As a developer, I totally see the appeal.

        • by cfalcon ( 779563 )

          "I've long advocated for a 'smart terminal' approach, where the 'app' is just a GUI with a set of capabilities, and all the smarts are up on the server."

          This is just for toys though. Uh-oh, I'm in a bridge. That app isn't real, fuck that app. Uh-oh, I don't have a good net connection. Oh, look, others are streaming at this hotel, so while I have bandwidth my latency is trash. Now this app is trash because it doesn't respond to clicks. Uh-oh, the devs decided to shit the app up with adds. Uh-oh, the s

      • Now on the mobile side, this becomes even more important I suspect, with a not-insignificant number of folks swapping between platforms every year or two...

        who are all these platform switchers? People who want iphones get iphones, people who want androids get androids. Perhaps somebody makes a switch at some point, I seriously doubt they ever go back. I think you're overstating the churn. I used an android phone for a couple years, and since then I've been using the iphone. I have no plans on switching.

      • Dunno... I've seen where a well-built common UI framework (Qt specifically) can make cross-platform not only easier, but improves the UI beyond the OS it rides o

        Than you don't really know much about UI development.

        Qt is about as horrible as you can get in every aspect. Its not native, which sucks in every way. Its not UI native, its not UX native, its not native to devs of a particular platform, its pretty much different in everyway, none of which are particularly better other than being cross platform. If you think Qt has abstracted everything away from your for cross platform dev then you really aren't doing all that much with your apps. That doesn't mean you

    • Some of those platforms allow you to bind against per-platform libraries for platform specific interfaces and features, while still sharing common code across the product line.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      That's just BS that only someone without any experience in anything HTML/js/css can claim. Would you say that most websites are crap (granted, this one is)? I let you in in a secret: they are allmost entirely built of HTML/css/js.

      I let you in on another secret. Even so called native apps revert to webviews to display easily customizable UIs because the native toolboxes are just so limitted in what they offer out of the box, and it has become far easier to build new widgets in js/html, and less expensive to

  • If you're Home Depot, no ... while it's important, those few milliseconds of lag and somewhat less native UI isn't a primary business concern.

    If you're trying to take on an 'A' player like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, or trying to establish a new service, yes ... your experience has to be as optimized as possible to stay / get ahead of your competition.
    • If you're Home Depot, no ... while it's important, those few milliseconds of lag and somewhat less native UI isn't a primary business concern.

      Low latency integration with the device's camera is a primary business concern when you're trying to let the user visualize how a particular home improvement product will look next to other things in the room.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    We use Xamarin and our advice is don't use Xamarin. Too many bugs, garbage collection sucks. I love the idea of Xamarin but wish we'd gone native.

  • by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:06PM (#49562359) Homepage

    So if you need a framework so you can pretend to have a native version of the application ... why not just focus on having a webpage instead of a shitty application which is just a web page?

    This sounds like lazy people who want to claim they have an app, when all they're doing is pointing to a web page.

    I can view your damned web page on my own.

    Honestly, this is why I've started getting away from apps ... because as often as not they're badly written, and contain a fraction of the information I can get from the website, but still insist on having access to my contact list and messages.

    Most people writing apps care more about invading my privacy and selling ads than actually providing me anything useful.

    • ...why not just focus on having a webpage instead of a shitty application which is just a web page?...

      Because it is more difficult for a webpage to harvest a user's personal information. That harvesting is done much more easily within an app that has direct access to said data.

      • if you're a data vacuum, what great about a website is you can track where else your customers go. So you go to, and it can tell from various cookie networks that you also like going to, so will show you a wide selection of furry dice. in an app this isn't possible because apps are sandbox and have very limited visibility into happenings outside the app.

        On the other hand, apps are great for attention span, to force the user to pay attention and finish the transaction rath

    • by jddj ( 1085169 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @03:25PM (#49563175) Journal

      It's important to understand that the context of use for a mobile web page is different from that of a successful mobile app.

      There are a bunch of dumb apps developed for online news sites - as though I'd ever want to go to just one news site, vs. have the mobile web spread out before me.

      OTOH, good mobile apps do things that the mobile web doesn't or can't. Perform read/write operations on local data. Use local processing power - as much as is available. Access local sensors not available to mobile web. Aggregate data from multiple sources - perhaps blending web and local data.

      Even apps that do nothing more than provide deep search - if the vertical market for the app is well defined (Movie geeks: IMDB, small investors: finance apps...), it's possible for a mobile app to excel over a web site by providing native gadgets and a platform native UI that doesn't have to leave room for the (admittedly minimal) mobile browser UI.

      Finally, mobile apps can scrape a bunch more information from the user's device than can mobile web. Definitely a help in monetizing a popular vertical, if you roll that way.

    • by pla ( 258480 )
      So if you need a framework so you can pretend to have a native version of the application

      No, you need a framework so you don't need to reinvent the wheel for every project you work on. With Sencha's frameworks, I can write a pretty slick-looking responsive site in a few hours (or days, for something larger) that would take literally months to roll on my own (and for the record, yes, I can and have rolled my own, back in the dark ages).

      why not just focus on having a webpage instead of a shitty applica
  • by danbob999 ( 2490674 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:10PM (#49562399)
    Many stuff can be done just fine in a web application. Banking, online shopping, quiz-style games, cellphone operator "my account"-style app. Even Facebook is fine as a web page unless you want those notifications (not having them is a feature IMO).
    Some stuff still need to be an a native application. Camera, music player, email, chat, maps/GPS navigation, calendar. Most 3D games also benefit from being native.
    • Notifications are available in Chrome.

      • But are they convenient? I mean, when I boot my phone, I don't want to open a web browser to check if I have new emails. I want a notification with a mail-specific icon.
    • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 )

      Facebook transitioned to a native app on iOS years ago due to performance limitations with their web-app.

      • And they are right. Heavy Facebookers will benefit from a native application. They want you to have notifications and use their chat service instead of one of the many alternative. However for light Facebook browsing, the web page is fine.
  • Yes, Please!!! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rockmuelle ( 575982 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:11PM (#49562415)

    For 99% of the applications out there, there's no reason not to do it in the browser if you're starting from scratch today. Most (useful) mobile apps simply display remote content in a way that's contextually relevant to the moment (Yelp, shopping (ordering and product reviews), *Maps, news sites, social media, etc). There's no reason for any of those to be app based. Most apps that aggregate content are poorly designed and not updated frequently. Couple that with the fact that most do not have useful offline modes (the only reason to have an app for content, IMHO), it just makes sense to optimize for the mobile browser rather than spend all the time and effort on an app. Hell, even most games I play casually have no reason being written as apps any more - any word game or puzzler would work fine in the browser.

    Instead, put the effort into good mobile design and development practices. Hire good developers to optimize for JavaScript. Hire good developers to optimize your backend operations to reduce latency. Find what features are missing in HTML/JavaScript (e.g., a good client side persistence layer) and encourage the browser vendors to improve there so everyone can benefit.

    For context, I develop complex scientific software. We use the browser (desktop) as our client and push the limits of what you can do there. Mobile is not far behind and should be the first choice for new development.


    • by Sigma 7 ( 266129 )

      For 99% of the applications out there, there's no reason not to do it in the browser if you're starting from scratch today.

      One major reason - if the browser fails, it takes out everything running under it. Failure can be as simple as a crash, to a javascript exploit that interferes with the browser, or the browser needing a few minutes just to crunch memory bloat.

      Although browsers have since gotten better, I still don't trust the browser to resume where I last left off - the best I can do is force firefox t

    • I agree with you in principle, but in practice it's hard to argue against the values that are at least currently uniquely provided by apps:

      1) The icon is sitting on the user's home screen (or, to a lesser extent on another screen or in folder) when she unlocks her device. Sure you can create a bookmark of a webpage and put it on the desktop, but I'll bet the frequency of that behavior is miniscule.

      2) Notifications are becoming very powerful means of interaction and some believe they'll radically change the

    • by plopez ( 54068 )

      You want it funky dirty native: []

    • For context, I develop complex scientific software. We use the browser (desktop) as our client and push the limits of what you can do there.

      That's the problem with web development. People are always pushing the limits of browsers. Nobody used to talk about "pushing the limits of the Windows API" back when I used to write desktop apps in Delphi, because it hardly limited you.

      At some point our industry has to get past this collective web fetish. The browser was never intended to run apps. Trying to use it a

    • I've been doing mobile development for the last fifteen years, and my experience with PhoneGap about three years ago was the most ridiculous and painful experience of my career.

      Developing with HTML and JavaScript is a pointless chore. It is literally easier to learn both iOS and Android programming and write the same app twice than to put up with and hack around the stupid limitations of hosted web apps. You lose nothing but the ability to write once and debug everywhere shared code, and you gain native per

    • Except:
      1) Mobile CPU/GPU is still 50X slower than desktop (i.e. your CSS transitions are 50X slower...hardware acceleration included).
      2) Mobile RAM allowance is still 10X lower than desktop (i.e. less resources loaded, prefetching, more thrashing, less JITed code, less unboxing, etc...).
      3) No native look and feel, so everything seems out of place.
      4) Still takes 3 years to get anything through the JS committee, and god knows how long before browser adoption.
      5) Users still can feel latency even if backen
  • When I last checked a few years ago, one of the cons of using any of the HTML based app development systems was that effectively you bundle the complete source code of your app inside your app.

    Has this changed in recent years?

    • So? How is that a con? O yeah , people still think in terms of providing a product instead of a service,.
      • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

        So? How is that a con? O yeah , people still think in terms of providing a product instead of a service,.

        It's cute that you think that everything can be a service. Which must be predicated on a belief that you can always access the internet.

  • Honestly, right now, native applications are by far the superior choice. Web apps sound like a great idea, but they're hindered by being incredibly slow (and phones are already not very powerful to begin with), they have far fewer features, and they often look hideous and out of context compared to the other applications on the system. Furthermore, web applications have no legacy - I can always guarantee that app version so-and-so will work on Android version such-and-such, but the same can't be said for a

    • by narcc ( 412956 )

      It's not 2008 anymore. Get with the times.

      Let's take FireFoxOS as an example. I have a ZTE Open, the lowest of the low-end, running FXOS 1.2 -- an older, slower, version of the OS. The only advantage is its excellent support for web standards.

      There are some awful examples of HTML5 apps on the platform, notably the popular solitaire game offered through the marketplace. There are also exceptional apps, that you'd think were native if they were running on any other platform, such as fast-paced 3d games and

      • So your example of a "well done app" is a game that hardly uses any HTML5/CSS, and is all computation (which, given FFOS, I'm pretty sure is asm.js under the hood). I don't see how your example shows that web standards are actually uniformly implemented across browsers.
        • by narcc ( 412956 )

          Learn a bit more about the topic and you'll understand.

          • Yes yes, I know your type. The ones that say "don't use anything the system was designed to be used, and only do things as if you're working in C". I.e. don't allocate all the time, don't modify the structure of the object after construction, make types easier to infer for JIT, etc.... That, or maybe you have 0 clue about what performance really means.
            • by narcc ( 412956 )

              Yes, I'm a terrible person. Of course, my apps don't have serious performance issues. Deal with the devil and all that.

  • It depends. The hybrid frameworks have moved closer to native, and web itself has moved closer to native too. Google has now released push notifications for the web as well as Service Workers that add in offline support. A web site/web application can now do a lot of what apps were needed for previously. The hybrid platforms you mentioned are great (I love Ionic!), but the performance isn't 100% there yet. But, if you are not making a game, the performance is probably good enough. In general: If you need
  • The author of the blog post that started this discussion owns a software consultancy that specializes in native application development (iOS and Android). Clearly his opinion is that native apps are better.
  • If you'd like to use your native language skills ( E.g. Java from Android ) on alternate platform ( e.g. IOS ), frameworks can be useful. I like open-sourced CodeNameOne [] and RoboVM [] because I work on the Java side of things and my needs on alternate platforms are fairly basic. An IOS developer may easily go in the other direction.

  • Obligatory (Score:5, Funny)

    by nitehawk214 ( 222219 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:38PM (#49562641)

    If you are Target and I just want to see what you have available in your store, then no, you don't need an app. []

    If you farm out to lazy app developers that simply ask for every permission on the phone, then no, you don't need an app. []

    And if you make a phone-specific version of your site, it will almost always end up crippled. []

  • by jtara ( 133429 ) on Monday April 27, 2015 @02:50PM (#49562769)

    Facebook gave up too early. On the other hand, Facebook can afford the development cost of native. For many other applications, native is unaffordable, especially for multiple platforms.

    (Thank you, though, Facebook, for (before giving up on hybrid) figuring-out how to shut off the *&^%$#! iOS WebView "accessory view", and using your Facebook-powers to cow Apple into looking the other way when apps go digging into the virtual keyboard windows to shut that evil thing off...)

    Embedded WebViews have gotten much better. Android has been the laggard, with awful animation/transition performance and glitchiness prior to 4.x, and user reluctance to upgrade OS (improved now) and inability to upgrade on many devices (alas, not much improved, so many Android devices cannot be upgraded to latest OS.)

    Certainly, on iOS at least, I think most users would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between well-written hybrid apps and native.

    I use (Zebra, was Motorola, and before that RhoMobile) Rhodes. I've also developed using PhoneGap/Cordova. I would not do a large project in PhoneGap/Cordova, because everything has to be done in Javascript. With Rhodes, I write models and controllers in Ruby, views in ERB (wish it had a better template language...) and code that touches the UI directly in Javascript. It's a very comfortable platform if you have been a Rails developer, because it's very similar - the server has been placed in the application.

    I'd say at least half my development time is spent with JS and CSS (actually, I use SCSS). I see that as a good thing. I can tweak the UI interactively by twiddling CSS in Safari or Chrome desktop (developer tools for both can connect remotely to a device for inspection/debug/experiment.) I can easily teach a designer to do that themselves. Contrast that to the painful process of tweaking a native UI, being forced to use platform-unique tools and go through a slow and painful build process to see the smallest result.

    I've been working with a small team implementing a number of similar energy-conservation apps (they are used by professional energy auditors - organizations are opinionated, that's why there are 6 apps...). I really think the effort would have been insurmountable had it been done with native code. This is not a typical consumer app with a few screens, but ones with dozens of pages of data-collection forms (per audited building). It's not your typical consumer app with some kind of silly one-page dashboard with text in circles...

    If I had to do something with charts/graphs, I certainly would leverage the great JS libraries that are available, rather than struggling with native code! We did do a little sketch tool in JS (sketch over photos for annotation - just browser API) and nobody would ever know it is not native.

    Ultimately, we abandoned Android (at least for now) due to poor performance and Balkanization, but I can see Android being supported in the future again.

    I have not used Xamarin. It seems the worst of all worlds to me. You have to use the native API of each platform, but you write in a common language (C# yuck!). Where is the saving in development time here?

    I strongly disagree with the bit about "different screen sizes" etc. being problematical. Using HTML helps solve that problem. It's easy to create flexible layouts using responsive CSS. Yes, native platforms have gotten better about this. But it's impossible to get designers directly involved, using the tools that they are familiar with. They still have to toss wire-frames "over the cubical wall" and the battle it out with programmers as to whether their fantasy UIs are even possible. With HTML5, they can work with what they are familiar with and provide complete solutions for UI bits. As well, there is an amazing volume of free and really quite high-quality resources for CSS3 effects, etc. that can be leveraged.

    Yea, if you have a million-dollar budget for a small app, go for native. The rest o

    • There are a number of native libraries devoted to quickly defining and presenting working forms in iOS.

      For charts, there are a number of really excellent solutions that cost money, but not much and they deliver really nice, dynamic graphs with many options.

      If I were doing a heavy enterprise form app I'd still go native.

    • C# has actually evolved into a wonderful language. The async stuff, lambdas and especially Linq are great.

      Xamarin-wise, there is a lot of code sharing possible using portable class libraries, and Xamarin.Forms shows promise, if immature. The project in working on has probably 95% shared code and appears completely native.

  • Early versions of Firemonkey sucked, but it's worths taking a peek. Native performance FTW.


  • I use Firefox OS, you insensitive clod. :)

    I was never a huge app user on Android anyway. Games and fart apps, yeah nah. If the latest online service that syncs to the cloud and data-mines my personal details wants my business, let them write a mobile web page!

    The lack of native apps like Skype is the main thing I might miss on my next trip, calling family via hostel wifi. But hopefully I can get my relatives to adopt firefox hello! :) I've been wondering about one of those smart fitness wristbands such as M

  • FirefoxOS is basically a web browser with JS APIs to access the hardware.

    All apps use web-based technologies, which means that the only thing needed for any OS to use FirefoxOS apps is a web browser that support these APIs, no need for native code unless you really need performance. You can already run some apps on Android as using Firefox components.

    I really hope that the guys at Mozilla focus on the compatibility aspect by making it easy for developers to use the FirefoxOS framework on other platforms (An

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
