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Cisco Is Abandoning the LoRaWAN Space With No Lifeboat For IoT Customers 12

Cisco is exiting the LoRaWAN market for IoT device connectivity, with no migration plans for customers. "LoRaWAN is a low power, wide area network specification, specifically designed to connect devices such as sensors over relatively long distances," notes The Register. "It is built on LoRa, a form of wireless communication that uses spread spectrum modulation, and makes use of license-free sub-gigahertz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio bands. The tech is overseen by the LoRa Alliance." From the report: Switchzilla made this information public in a notice on its website announcing the end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for Cisco LoRaWAN. The last day customers will be able to order any affected products will be January 1, 2025, with all support ceasing by the end of the decade. The list includes Cisco's 800 MHz and 900 MHz LoRaWAN Gateways, plus associated products such as omni-directional antennas and software for the Gateways and Interface Modules. If anyone was in any doubt, the notification spells it out: "Cisco will be exiting the LoRaWAN space. There is no planned migration for Cisco LoRaWAN gateways."

Cisco Is Abandoning the LoRaWAN Space With No Lifeboat For IoT Customers

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  • The IoT protocols (Score:4, Informative)

    by FeelGood314 ( 2516288 ) on Wednesday October 02, 2024 @09:56PM (#64835989)
    Wifi - no application layer so all devices need to call back to manufactures servers. All devices on the internet. Useless if devices maker stops supporting your device.
    Bluetooth / BLE - supported by smart phones. Limited application layer, limited range.
    z-wave - decent network layer, good application layer, used to have a very good industry trade group. Almost all hubs though required the hub maker and the device maker to have communicated before the device could be fully controlled by the hub. Not a requirement of the standard but the way everyone did it. Now controlled by the Connected Standards Alliance.
    Zigbee - good networking, good application layer with the by far the most defined functionality. Most interoperability of all standards. Device makers and coordinators (hubs) need never even know about each other before the device can be controlled. The Zigbee Alliance was the worst trade group imaginable. Documentation extremely hard to read to know what the protocol does, testing and certification a pain. Alliance would regularly throw device makers under the bus. Zigbee Alliance is now the Connected Standards Alliance
    Thread / Matter over Thread - Currently has the most hype and marketing. Thread is a beautiful networking protocol that solves a problem no end user wanted solved. (Thread effectively puts all devices on the internet which means all device makers have their devices call home and try to have them controlled by their servers. It allows vendor lock in. ) Matter is essentially the ZigBee application layer but with most of the faults of ZigBee fixed. Unfortunately standard is now in bureaucratic hell. It is getting bloated fast, with multiple ways to do the same thing being added and the number of features still only a fraction of what ZigBee supports. There is also a degree of disregard for device makers in favor of companies that want to control the devices. Investors believe there is more money in controlling the devices so there are more voting member trying to control the devices than make them. (note zigbee 2.0, the predecessor to Matter, was plague by this problem). Matter is developed by the Connected Standards Alliance.

Numeric stability is probably not all that important when you're guessing.
