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Every Place is the Same Now ( 88

With a phone, anywhere else is always just a tap away. From a column: Those old enough to remember video-rental stores will recall the crippling indecision that would overtake you while browsing their shelves. With so many options, any one seemed unappealing, or insufficient. In a group, different tastes or momentary preferences felt impossible to balance. Everything was there, so there was nothing to watch. Those days are over, but the shilly-shally of choosing a show or movie to watch has only gotten worse. First, cable offered hundreds of channels. Now, each streaming service requires viewers to manipulate distinct software on different devices, scanning through the interfaces on Hulu, on Netflix, on AppleTV+ to find something "worth watching." Blockbuster is dead, but the emotional dread of its aisles lives on in your bedroom.

This same pattern has been repeated for countless activities, in work as much as leisure. Anywhere has become as good as anywhere else. The office is a suitable place for tapping out emails, but so is the bed, or the toilet. You can watch television in the den -- but also in the car, or at the coffee shop, turning those spaces into impromptu theaters. Grocery shopping can be done via an app while waiting for the kids' recital to start. Habits like these compress time, but they also transform space. Nowhere feels especially remarkable, and every place adopts the pleasures and burdens of every other. It's possible to do so much from home, so why leave at all?

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Every Place is the Same Now

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  • by OffTheLip ( 636691 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @04:48PM (#59630862)
    There are plenty of places where none of this is true.
    • by internet-redstar ( 552612 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @04:49PM (#59630866) Homepage
      Absolutely, travel the world, open your horizons, and use technology to keep in touch and help those less fortunate than us!
      • Absolutely, travel the world, open your horizons

        Indeed. And if you can't afford the airfare, just get some 3D-goggles and take a virtual tour instead.

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          How about, accept the reality, every place you travel to, to escape people are leaving to travel elsewhere to escape. I can understand living for a few year in an overseas location to experience a different life style and learn different things but holidaying, you are just experiencing the hotel, it's qualities and fabricated tourist attractions themed on the locale. You are not experiencing a different life style, live, work and play.

          I go with, for each month you spend overseas on a quality holiday, you ca

      • those less fortunate than us

        as if chance was the north star toward achievement.

    • Every Place is the Same Now

      As part & parcel of the ubiquitous iPhag & Scrotial Media addiction in our Anti-Culture, increasingly every THOT [] is now the same.

      They all lather exactly the same porn-star pancake makeup all over their faces, pencil the same fake eyebrows on their foreheads, wear the same metal sticking out of their ears & noses & lips, wear the same fake fingernails, etc etc etc.

      I suppose the THOTs could counter with the observation that all the endocrine-disrupted Soy Boys
    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      Well, every country is becoming the same too.
      People wear the same clothes, drive the same cars, eat the same food, and they are all stuck to their smartphones. Not just first world countries, developing nations are becoming like that too.

      I generally like globalization, making things accessible all around the world, but it makes travelling a bit less exotic.

    • Not true! Every place is not the same! In churches, they still have managed to trap god somehow. And apparently, you can't transmit that over electronic devices. (Otherwise, every single church out there would go out of business? LOL!!!)
    • Commonly known as: the outdoors with phone switched OFF
  • by Arthur, KBE ( 6444066 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @04:54PM (#59630878)
    Between The Pirate Bay and Youtube, I don't think I've ever had it this good.
    • it's kind of funny.. we went from video stores with an assortment of movies, video games, snacks, etc. To 11 different streaming services each with more content than you could ever hope to watch. The amount of choice is almost paralyzing (to say nothing of the actual quality of most of it). As a kid it was a bit of a treat going there with the parents and finding a movie to watch on a Friday night.

      Now thanks to netflix and/or streaming -- now there are no more video stores*. But! wait, what is that? Is t

      • Quantity is not quality.

        There is more to watch, but most of it is total shit. Finding something worth watching is way more work than it is used to be because now you have more garbage to wade through.

        • Entertainment is not the only activity in life. These days I mostly spend my entertainment time watching YouTube lectures at University channels. Last night I learned how the tides work and how the intertidal zone may have encouraged fish to grow legs. I still enjoy the odd film and the relentless garbage we call news, but not as my main diet.

    • by DogDude ( 805747 )
      I'd much rather have a video store where I could get any movie or TV show for a few bucks then have to deal with malware to try to steal something that I may or may not want and hope I don't get sued for it.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        And people used to know the difference between then and than, but here we are.

    • by k6mfw ( 1182893 )

      There is a youtube vid (can't find it now) about why all the video stores disappeared. Begins by individuals recalling the 1980s of various video stores, shows some stills of places in shopping centers (I recall those days, some were good, some not so good). It continued on where stores promote to many independents can rent or sell their productions (I cannot recall ever seeing indy movies myself). Stores mention they couldn't offer them much of a cut (i.e. store expenses of lease, wages, etc) but they prov

    • Of course, he really means PornHub.
  • by krotscheck ( 132706 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @04:55PM (#59630880) Homepage

    A society where things are so convenient that people became shut-ins? Didn't Isaac Asimov have a book about that []?

  • The office is a suitable place for reading a book, but so is the bed, or the toilet. You can read books in the den -- but also in the car, or at the coffee shop, turning those spaces into impromptu libraries.
  • Blockbuster is dead, but the emotional dread of its aisles lives on in your bedroom.

    Most people watch TV in the living room, you insensitive clods!

    • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

      Meh. It's all the same, either way.

    • Blockbuster is dead, but the emotional dread of its aisles lives on in your bedroom.

      Most people watch TV in the living room, you insensitive clods!

      There is a different kind of emotional dread in his bedroom.

  • by ludux ( 6308946 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @05:03PM (#59630908)
    As far as I can tell, some boomer complaining about how things were better in the good old days. Waste of text.
  • His article lists a bunch of things that are not problems. Then chooses to highlight something that was a problem: having to physically relocate to a shitty, crowded theater, buy tickets in advance, and see what turned out to be a very mediocre movie that I would otherwise have put in the background if at home. A movie I only saw because my son was excited about it, but even he, at 11 had already accepted that it was likely going to be a mediocre installment. If it were not Star Wars, I would totally have i

    • Similarly infrastructure (electricity, water, sewage, sanitation, and of course internet) have very real and significant costs as people spread farther out, but technology has not really improved this any and certainly companies providing these services aren't anxious to encourage it.

      Starlink is coming. Solar panels and home batteries exist. Wells and septic systems are ancient. They all cost more money and require more upkeep than living in the cocoon of a city, but it's worth it for many in terms of independence and quality of life.

    • Dude, just because you're antisocial and want to be a shut-in, please don't assume that everybody (or even most people) are.
      • You are missing the point.

        No one is making you, or anyone else adopt the shut-in lifestyle. The article is making the point that people are choosing to do this for themselves, en masse now that they have the choice to do so. While it is true this is the lifestyle I wanted before it was even remotely achievable, evidently many others wanted it but didn't realize it until it became an option. Or they're doing it because they're not finding any value out of doors that makes sense.

        The problem he presents is see

  • We sit in our homes in our underwear, order stuff via Alexa at Amazon while the vacuum robot sucks around, the wet wiping robot runs after it, the lawn mower robot runs outside until the watering computer turns the water on.

    Welcome to Solaria.

    • but never See

      until one day...

      Oh, wait, the "Uber" car already thinks you are not a person...

    • nope, all this stuff means I have time to go out and do stuff

      no need to waste my time cleaning or running around to different stores for stuff.

  • by theJavaMan ( 539177 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @05:14PM (#59630940)

    The more things you own, the more those things own you. In the digital age, that includes the services to which you are subscribed (paid and free).

    Try to have just a few good things that are worth owning in meatspace and cyberspace. Then focus on living life through experiences. That may not make you happy, but it will make you happier.

  • I really hope that technology for restricting web content to a given geographic zone becomes common.

    For instance, if I could write a tweet that would only be visible in New York state.
  • by davidwr ( 791652 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @05:37PM (#59631028) Homepage Journal

    The summary sounds like a call to stay at home all day.

    That misses the whole point of the article.

    Here's some quotes that get the point across that we should NOT be treating every place as if it was equal to every other place, well, because it's not:

    Over the holidays, my family trekked to a suburban Atlanta mall to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It's the closest theater to offer Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, and we decided that increased color gamut and floor-rumbling sound justified the 25-mile sojourn.

    Seeing new movies is one of the few entertainment activities left that you really can't do at home (unless you're wealthy, of course).

    Refreshed from site specificity after the Star Wars screening, my family longed to extend that sense of freedom. So we idled for a couple hours at the Dave & Buster's, an unholy fusion of suburban bar-grill, video-game arcade, and kiddie casino. In the din of Dave & Buster's, we found our devices already waiting for us: large-scale renditions of mobile games like Candy Crush filled the place, reimagined at arcade scale. At one time, this would have seemed like a perverse joke. But any reprieve from superspace feels earnest now. We happily paid to idle there, tapping and swiping giant versions of the apps already in our pockets, rather than returning to the minivan, and then the highway, and then home, where everyone would recede again into the dense expanse of a smartphone.

  • How does rambling bleating like this make it on to Slashdot?

  • I can't keep bees in my toilet. Well, I can, but it would be a bad idea. I can't run a real tabletop RPG with my friends from my bed (play by post doesn't count; it sucks with few exceptions). I can't get some smiths together for a hammer-in at the local starbucks. I can't go hiking in my living room. I can't cross country ski in the mall (even with roller-skis). There are many places that are distinct because not everything is on the Internet.
  • You can stick your first world problem up your first world ass.

  • Not a boomer but... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by alaskana98 ( 1509139 ) on Friday January 17, 2020 @05:47PM (#59631084)
    I'm old enough to remember the joys of going to the 'video store' (both independent and chain (Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, etc). Whether you loved them or disliked them, the Friday night ritual of going to the video store and renting movies and or games was something forever burned into my psyche and was a principal experience of youths in the 80's and 90's (and to a lesser extent the 70's and 00's). Here's my list of pro's and cons of the whole experience:

    -Actually got you out of the house
    -You could pick up snacks/drinks (albeit overpriced)
    -Scanning what was available could be as quick as it is today (as long as everything was laid out logically)
    -That video store 'smell' - could market it as a car scent
    -Could rent games - didn't have to shell out an arm and leg just to find out you didn't like a game
    -Might bump into friends/family thus being able to 'catch up' in a more genuine way than just interfacing via Facebook like we do now
    -Interaction with friendly clerks
    -The building excitement of knowing you were about to rent a hot new move/game (if you could find them in stock).
    -If looking for something to do, 'going to the video store to see what was new' was always a good options, even for dates!

    -Actually having to get out of your house (twice, once to rent, once to return) often in bad weather
    -"Be Kind Rewind'
    -Late Fees (aargh!)
    -Finding out the movie/game you got was utter shite
    -All the good new releases were often rented out by the time you got to the store on a Friday night.
    -If a sequel or reamake was coming out in the movies, good luck finding any prequels or the original movie in stock to rent as everyone had the same idea as you.
    -Judgmental counter clerks - someone always knew what you were watching/playing.
    -Losing a game/movie and having to pay full price.
    -That judgmental look you got from the person standing next to you as you picked out a copy of Space Jam
    -Having to get a membership card

    I'm sure there are many others, but that about sums up my experience.
  • I don't do any of that. On the toilet? Read a book.

    Watch a movie? Pick one from the DVDs I have or, on rare occasions now, pick up something worthwhile to watch again and again (picked up a sweet deal on the first two Battlestar Galactica sets at GoodWill), or watch one of the Gundam series. No Netflix/Hulu/whatever to pay for.

    TV? Gave that up years ago because couldn't justify the costs.

    Bedroom? That's for sleeping.

    Email? Only at work.

    Grocery shopping? I go out and do it myself. I go early to beat th

  • Sadly, it's true. The US at least, is depressing as hell these days. Most places don't have stores any more. And whatever few people you see outside are all just glued to some stupid shit on their phones. It's a miserable way to live, but most people just slurp it all up like it's the best thing ever. That's probably the worst part of it. Not so much that I personally don't get to enjoy all sorts of stuff, but that nobody else gives a shit. As long as they don't have to look up from their phones, tha
    • by cusco ( 717999 )

      We garden, and I say "Hello" to everyone who passes. A disappointing percentage of kids shy away like I'm about to attack them, even though I'm on the other side of a bed of irises. It took me a while to figure out why, but I've realized that their parents were the first generation weaned on 'Stranger Danger' and have passed their paranoia on. Kind of sad.

  • That there is now a transporter that can instantly whisk you away from home to work, shop or movie theater. Would you whine about how your lack of personal discipline keeps you from paying attention to your family? The only issue I see is a 1st world problem where helicopter parents didn't teach millennials enough discipline to put the phone down. We should have some kind of right of passage bootcamp to toughen kids up and get them to stop equating convenience with not needing a backbone.

  • Do I really need to get into lengthy explanations about what happens to people when they're more and more isolated? Humans are social creatures. Without meaningful human contact we become less and less human over time. So-called 'social media' does not qualify as 'meaningful human contact', either, it's not even as good as a phone call. I think many of the social problems we have could be at least in part solved by intentionally isolating ourselves less and getting out and being with actual people more. Of
  • ... and anywhere's a better place to be." ~ Harry Chapin "A Better Place To Be"

  • I think I'd like to go back home
    And take it easy ...
    I gotta get away from this day-to-day running around,
    Everybody knows this is nowhere

  • What's your point Vanessa?

  • Is It? No (Score:4, Interesting)

    by dcw3 ( 649211 ) on Saturday January 18, 2020 @11:29AM (#59632760) Journal

    If this were correct, movie theaters would be out of business. And the premise that this was all some horrible nightmare walking through Blockbuster...really? You need to find a safe space snowflake.

  • It's possible to do so much from home, so why leave at all? - WRONG! You can't really enjoy a social salsa evening at home. That's a very good reason to go out! And I assume this is not going to change in the next 10-20 years. I miss Blockbuster a bit, though... it was nice that renting a movie was a social experience. It was sad though that the selection wasn't that good.
  • Get out into the world. Leave your computers, phones, tablets at home. Grand Canyon, Orlando, Miami, Dallas, New York NY. New Orleans. Visit. They can be incredible places.

    Used to be a character called Glum. It'll never work, we're doomed, etc. People seem to be real life Glum.

    Will this post inspire someone? It'll never work.... Mankind is doomed.

  • I've dropped an observation or two like this into conversations with co-workers and it became immediately apparent that it was me that was odd! Remember that most people away from tech sites are not actually addicted to their devices and some rarely even use the internet or streaming services... just get out of your bubble once in a while and mix with real people!
  • Stores and restaurants are mostly chains, even if itâ(TM)s local it probably still fits into a mold, same menu items, or itâ(TM)s a niche store but it sells all the same stuff as another niche store. Anything you want to buy you can probably find online quicker and cheaper. Places you go you have probably already looked up reviews and know what to expect. No need to socialize when we all have phones. Even if you travel can you tell the difference between something authentic and something that
  • Maybe every place is the same if you only do things that involve your phone, so put it down! Plant a garden, play a game of volleyball, cook a nice meal, go bowling, take a walk, paint a picture, read a book, do literally anything except stare at a screen, and you'll find that plenty of places are plenty different from each other.

ASCII a stupid question, you get an EBCDIC answer.
